Episode | 16

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Kaliope adjusted her description of Franziska Falgor. The woman glided into the room. Her movements unnaturally graceful, as if she floated on a draft of air.

Madam Falgor wore a flowy dress of sapphire blue. Twin chandeliers of diamonds hung from her ears, and a matching bouquet of gems graced her neckline. No stray strand blemished the crown of auburn ringlets on her head. Her eyes were a piercing hazel. Her skin impossibly pale and flawless. Almost like a marble statue had come to life and sashayed into the room—a not entirely impossible scenario with magic involved. Kaliope gaped. The woman's pictures did her no justice.


Ronin scowled as she reiterated her impolite response. Franziska smiled, exposing perfect white teeth. Her perfection surpassed otherworldly.

"It's alright. I believe that is a human complement?"

Kaliope nodded at Madam Falgor. Remembering her handbook's instructions on proper etiquette, she rested a hand on her chest and bowed. The appropriate greeting for the head of a Witcher House. "Definitely, Madam."

Kaliope's quick recovery eased the crease between Ronin's brow. It annoyed her that he seemed to think she was an idiot. Kaliope endeavored to prove the insufferable man wrong. Ronin presented Kaliope as his associate, and she shook the woman's delicate hand.

"Come, come, no need for formalities. Welcome to Falgor Estate." Franziska gracefully settled into a chair. Then she waved them to retake theirs as they stood on her entry. "Please, have a seat. Don't mind all the fineries," she caressed the necklace she wore. "I had a charity auction. My daughter-in-law and son will be here shortly. I do apologize for the delay."

Ronin pardoned Madam Falgor's apology.

"I assume you have an update on the case?" Franziska's eyes fleeted between the pair, resting on Ronin.

"We still haven't uncovered evidence linking Katerina Kelmor or Zohar Falgor to the theft. My team and I have extensively investigated the suspects and the scene."

"Are you suggesting the ring simply vanished into thin air?" Franziska waved her hand over her head. "I'm certain my belligerent, bumbling mess of a brother-in-law and his brood of ill-mannered spawns had something to do with it. It can't be a coincidence that someone burgled the store the day after the news broke." She paused, caught her breath, and regained her slipping composure. Franziska hated her in-laws. No doubts there. And from all accounts, they hated her in kind. "If Zohar inherits the family line, he'll destroy it all."

"Destroy it?" The question slid from her lips before Kaliope silenced it.

"A fool and his money will always part, my dear. Don't let him trick you into believing his blusterings are for a noble cause." Franziska moved her hand in a flourish. "The right to equal treatment. Zohar is an irresponsible clod—"

"Mother." Ballister Falgor joined them with his wife Juniper linked arm to arm. "Let's not badmouth the family in front of our guests." The pacifying lilt of Ballister's voice smoothed his mother's ruffles. He regarded Kaliope, and she heard the word outsider, snugged underneath the guests.

Franziska ironed a hand over her dress, adapting a posture of innocence. "I'm not badmouthing the oaf. I'm simply stating a matter of fact that he is, in fact, an oaf."

Ballister introduced himself and his wife and expressed regret for his mother's harsh words. At the same time, Franziska neither affirmed nor disapproved of the apology. She harbored animosity towards her brother-in-law for his extravagant and impractical approach towards money, as evidenced by his gold cane adorned with gems.

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