Episode | 26

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It was time to bite the bullet, and Kaliope was unprepared. Cleared by Dr. Joriah, her first order of business upon her return to full-time duties was escorting Ronin to the Falgor Estate. They'd delayed enough to dot their I's and double cross their T's.

Broaching the issue directly to the Matriarch and accusing someone in her House, her only son, of theft and conspiracy in the name of the family fortune wasn't an assignment for the weak of heart. Ballister wasn't a suspect in the murder of Katerina Kelmor because her death served him no purpose. It ruined his master plan. Their search for the unidentified third party continued.

The hope was Ballister might provide insight into who it may be. Should he feel inclined to assist with their case after they question him about a crime punishable by the rite of his House's constitution. No. This conversation was not for the weak of heart. Or a human without magical recourse.

Falgor Estate lost its magnificence when it stood as the sword they might impale their reputation on with a misstep. Ronin wholly accepted Kaliope's testimony. And though grateful for his vote of confidence, reservations lingered.

"Shouldn't we call backup? Franziska is a Hex Mage. If she does," Kaliope twirled her hands in her interpretation of a witch casting a spell, "her magic we're screwed."

"Lycans aren't easy to kill."

Kaliope gaped at Ronin's profile in disbelief at his casual dismissal. "Well, excuse my fickleness. Not because your furry hide's safe. Humans are." One good swat, and she was a bug on a windshield.

"You gave HR your emergency contacts, yes? We'll inform your next of kin and compensate them accordingly."

Kaliope wanted to strangle the man. Since their conversation the night in her hospital room, a layer of frost melted between them. There was a mutual acceptance that their clashes were inevitable. It didn't impede them from working together as a team or being polite. Still, his singular superpower to irritate and annoy prevailed.

Ronin leaned out of the car and pressed the buzzer for the gate. A curt voice responded, admonishing them for their unannounced visit. Ronin stated their business. He wanted to catch Ballister unawares, and they'd learned he and his wife returned to the family home two days prior. The front gates swung open without a sound, and they started up the driveway.

"Humans have a common vernacular—no risk, no glory."

"We also have one about cowards and sound bones. If Ballister's the mastermind—"

"I don't think he is."

Ronin stepped out of the vehicle leaving a stupefied Kaliope behind. She hurried out after him, but the butler was there to greet them. Kaliope pursed her lips, pinning Ronin with a questioning gaze.

"Due time."


The butler waved Kaliope and Ronin into the drawing room. Madam Falgor welcomed them, and a maid brought in tea. Kaliope's earlier disquiet tripled with the anxiety of not knowing what was on Ronin's mind. Why were they there if he didn't suspect Ballister as the mastermind?

Dressed in a white knitted sweater and matching slacks, Franziska wasn't as friendly as on Kaliope's first visit. Her magic pulsated in the room. Kaliope tried not to fidget under the woman's culling glare.

"Madam Falgor, my team discovered new evidence regarding the case."

"Is that why you cleared Zohar and Rowena?"

News of the Minor House's exoneration reached the public after confirmation Katerina hexed Rowena. Plus, the ring in evidence turned into a lump of coal.

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