Episode | 14

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Relations between the Falgor Main and Minor Houses escalated by the day. Outside Houses picked sides, divided by their positions as Main Houses affirmed their superiority over their Minor counterparts.

Kaliope moved her paperwork and books to the conference room. Unlike the others who were familiar with the perimeters of the case, she had to multitask with learning as she went. The longstanding conflict between the groups spanned centuries since the branching of bloodlines was institutionalized. And according to the Witcher House constitution—if the Falgor Minor House broke the non-contestation rule about attacking or impeding the affairs of the Main House, they'll be struck from the record and shamed out of proper witch society.

For a witch, those were the highest stakes possible.

No name.

No House.

No social position.

Greed and stupidity often go hand in hand.

Although Kaliope wasn't risk averse, the fallout of losing such a gamble outweighed the benefits. Unless, as it was now, the culprit managed to cover their tracks. Kaliope rubbed the ache in her temple and scrolled Zohar's profile on her tablet.

Zohar Falgor. Minor House Patriarch and all-around troublemaker.

Beady eyes notwithstanding, there was nothing on him. Is he covering his tracks with magic? How? Zohar was a pyro mage.

Kaliope rested her head back and closed her eyes. The Minor House had the most to gain from the heir not siring a successor, which made them the main suspect, almost by default. Zohar's public displays of contempt bolstered suspicion. But the question remained...was he the kind of man to risk it all?

No name.

No House.

No social position.

Minor House eliminated. The Main House stands unopposed. Dying Patriarch. Son without a successor.

Something clicked.

Kaliope dashed from the room. Overcome by a sudden wave of dizziness, Kaliope staggered. Gideon crossed from where he was consulting with Gale in a blink, catching her by the elbow. She leaned on the desk and cupped her forehead.

"Kaliope, are you alright?"

"Yeah. Yeah. I'm fine."

Ronin strode from his office, a crease between his brows. "Ms. Barnes, are you still not well?"

Kaliope bristled at the accusation in his voice. Damn it. She didn't want him to see her like this. What now? If he thought she wasn't up for it, Ronin wouldn't hesitate to banish her from the office for another three days. Then she won't be able to work the case. Prove herself a worthwhile addition to the team instead of a human liability.

"Humans are so frail."

Kaliope shot Gale with a withering glare. He was on his feet, his fingers tapping his leg as if he couldn't shake the reflex. She pulled away from Gideon. "Sorry. Low blood sugar. Haven't eaten lunch yet." She went cross-eyed, examining the chocolate bar Inola shover under her nose. "Thanks." Kaliope bit the proffered offering. An explosion of salty, nutty, chocolatey goodness shocked her taste buds. She covered her mouth, eyes wide. "Hmm. What is that?" The taste bordered on sin.

Inola beamed. "Homemade fudge. My mom baked it."

Kaliope snagged the rest of the snack.

Ronin's gaze bore into Kaliope as he studied her. Did he suspect her of lying? The wrinkle between his brow smoothed.

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