Episode | 20

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Kaliope wrapped up work at the office and headed home. Instead of the subway, she rode the bus. Despite not being rush hour, traffic inched forward, the streets clogged with a seemingly endless sea of vehicles, each jostling for position in the never-ending game of traffic. By the end of the workday, it would be gridlocked.

She spectated the disorderly dance, with cars weaving in and out of lanes, pedestrians dodging between them, and the occasional cyclist adding to the confusion. Bus rides were a peculiar comfort. It helped her think, and her earlier conversation with Inola occupied her attention.


Earlier - Sage Tower CMT

Kaliope met Inola on the way out.

"Did you talk to Ronin?" Inola's tone was all business, her eyes gray and devoid of their usual mirth.

Kaliope grimaced and bit her lip. Her admission of failure.

Inola picked up Kaliope's earlier pacing. "Doubt it would matter if you did. Met him in the parking lot. He's off. I'm sure of it. And he won't speak with any of us, anyone at all, about it." She stopped, brows furrowed. "Maybe Uncle Eli?"

Kaliope's insecurity gnawed at her. "Did I—" She clenched her fists for fortitude. "Do you think I'm the reason?"

Inola eyed her, puzzled. "Reason? Why?"

"If—" A lump formed in Kaliope's throat. She swallowed it and started again. "Since I started, I keep...causing trouble. Ronin doesn't trust me. If my presence is throwing off the team..."

Inola sighed. She pulled out Gideon's chair and gestured toward it. "Sit down."

"Do you want to know the best thing about life?"

"What's that?"

Inola leaned in. "Everything isn't always about you. When the Occult and Noccult clashed, witches suffered the brunt of the fallout. So naturally, generations later, scars remain. Gale's one of many witches who think humans can't be trusted. Most believe if it wasn't for the Rending and the disorder it caused, the current structure of witching society wouldn't exist. No main or minor houses. No witcher constitution. As for the boss." Inola eased up on the desk and crossed her leg. "Ronin's...complicated. His conditioning is why he is the way he is. Why he closes himself off."

"His conditioning?"

"When you meet his father, you'll understand."

"He and Andreas are polar opposites. Didn't they grow up together?"

"Yeah. But Ronin doesn't trust him. Don't ask me why. I'd give Andreas a wide berth. Foxes are tricksters, but lycans wear many faces."

"What about their mother?"

Inola's face fell. "She...died. Years ago. Before he and I met. Ronin's alone. Which is why I'm always worried about him. What's a wolf without a pack?"


What's a wolf without a pack?

While Kaliope enjoyed solitude, it was only a haven when she chose it. Guess it's true what they say about it being lonely at the top. Unless it wasn't Ronin's choice. Her familiarity with toxic parenting granted Kaliope a unique perspective on Matthias McIntyre. He reminded her of Myra. Controlling. Vindictive. Callous. She might be projecting her personal experience without adequate information, but it scraped at the periphery of Kaliope's mind.

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