Episode | 15

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The new perimeter of the Missing Jewel case was: how to prevent Witcher society from imploding. As long as Franziska Falgor and the wider witcher society believed Zohar was responsible for the theft, the chances of the situation devolving were low. A family feud lacked the frightening effect of "unknown elements working to overthrow the social hierarchy."

They'll squash it with any luck before things progress beyond the point of no return. Maybe.

Kaliope evaluated her skill level for diffusing a crisis of this size. None of her previous experiences entailed "saving the world" or "preventing an insurrection." Was she in over her head?

She tapped her cheeks as she reviewed the information on a clear glass dry-erase board she set up in the conference room and covered in her scribblings.

No punking out. You've got this.

"Smoke's steaming out of your ears."

Kaliope regarded Inola, who joined her in her new workspace in the conference room. The fox demon was curled up in one of the oversized office chairs, eating homemade peanut chips. Kaliope was halfway through her stash by lunch.

"How can you be so calm?"

Inola crunched a chip. "Working yourself up doesn't help either."

Kaliope huffed a breath. Her partner made sense. She wasn't keen on having someone else in her space, but unlike her previous experiences, Inola—fit. In her short time at Sage, Kaliope was relaxing into her position, despite her resolve to remain detached. It was a dangerous sentiment to entertain. Kaliope mentally shook herself and refocused on the case. On the facts.

"We're dealing with someone who has a grudge against the Falgors or someone with a vendetta against the Main Houses is using them as a statement—you're not untouchable."

Inola nodded in agreement. Tossed another chip in her mouth.

"Do the Falgors have any enemies?"

Inola shook her head. "Ronin had me check it out. Nothing popped. Unlike some of the others, Falgor House is pretty laid back. Lucius Falgor, the Patriarch, is well respected in the Occult and Noccult world. He worked in politics for a while. Franziska Falgor is the hardass of the family. She also has a soft spot for kids and runs a foundation that funds an orphanage and a children's hospital. She wanted a big family, but after several miscarriages, she brought only her son Ballister to term."

Kaliope revisited her impression of the woman. She assigned Franziska's primary motive for the ring commission to the woman's ambitions to keep her branch on top. But perhaps watching her son and daughter-in-law struggle with infertility influenced her actions.

Ambition? Or motherly love? Hmm. Kaliope wrote the question on a sticky note and added it to Franziska's section on the board. She retook the seat and folded her arms as she examined her notes.

What would become of Franziska if Juniper Falgor, daughter-in-law of the House, failed to sire an heir after all this? Ronin mentioned the House was under no immediate threat. There were other ways of securing succession and longevity of the main branch.

Like replacing the daughter-in-law.

Franziska married into Falgor House. Her power hinged solely on her son, Ballister, fathering children. Would he think it his duty to find another wife? Kaliope squirmed at the prospect, indignant on the daughter-in-law's behalf.

"You're agitated. Have a snack."

Inola stretched out a chip, and without thinking, Kaliope ate it from her partner's fingers. Inola's mother made two types of peanut chips—honey glazed and salted. Kaliope's preference remained split. "This whole House Constitution causes more problems than it solves. Why can't they just rip it up?"

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