♧-Our not so fun day out-♧

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I had watched Han read my text and then put his hand on top of Minho's his breathing became uneven as he was worried that his best friend would repel from him since he wasn't one for skinship.

"You like me touching you like this, hmm?" Minho whispered loud enough for Jisung to hear, and for me to pull a funny face, Chan had fallen asleep along the way. "Maybe I do." Han shakily breathed. The rest of the drive was quiet apart from the occasional word exchanged between Han or Minho.
"Chan hyung. Bang chan!" Jeongin called from the other car as we had parked.
"Hmm?" Chan muttered.
"We are here! Let's go looking through the shops." I said.

Chan agreed, and we all got out and headed towards the shopping centre. It was massive filled with big plushie stores, makeup, baggy, or tight fit clothing. Anything you could want was here. Me and Han made our way towards the colourful stores since we liked bright and colourful clothes whereas the rest prefer black or grey clothes.

"Felix, come over here!" Han called. I turned round from the shirts I was browsing. I skipped over to say my opinion on the fluffy pink jumper that he had taken interest in.
"It's so soft. I can give the best hugs now!" Han said, jumping. As he jumped, the other item he was holding dropped to the floor.

I looked at it and thought he must have knocked it off of the railings, but their was no item in sight apart from right at the back of the shop. He picked it up quickly and hid it behind the jumper.
"Hannie? Whose that for?" I asked, confused as to why he'd be holding onto a pink skirt.
"I-its for my sister." Han explained, knowing damn well that that was a lame excuse.
"A sister? You're an only child."

I asked again, knowing he was hiding the truth.
"F-fine i-if you must know its for me I want to wear it." Han stuttered, looking at me with glossy eyes. I stood there in shock my best friend liked wearing skirts and never told me.
"I-I'm sorry! I should have never said that.
Forget it." Han muttered, putting the skirt back, but I stopped him.

"Han, if you feel more confident in one, then wear it. I can't believe you didn't tell me sooner." I said, hugging him tightly. He put his head on my shoulder.
"What if Minho won't love me anymore." Han cried into my shoulder. I rubbed his back and said, "If Minho truly loves you, he will love you for who you are, not what you dress like."

"You sure he can be jealous and cold at times." Han said eyes still sparkling as he looked up at me.
"It's Minho we are talking about with you he protects you. He's never saying mean jokes because he wants to keep you safe." I said. I picked up the skirt and gave it to him and held his hand, leading him around the shop to pick out what he truly wanted without the worry.

We got to the checkout, and the lady said. "This for you girlfriends?" When she saw the skirts makeup and bright coloured jumpers.
"Y-yeah though, it would be a nice gift." Han said, pretending he had a girlfriend.
"It's for us, actually." I said, not caring what she thought about boys wearing skirts and colourful clothing.
"For you? You can't wear this?" She said, disgusted.

"We can wear it. What are you going to do? we are paying for your wages, be grateful." I said between gritted teeth , paid and left without caring what she said next.
"Lix, really." Han whined now that cashier knew what he wore.
"Who cares you want it? You get it." I said, walking into the store with the rest of the boys in. I looked around for everyone and only saw Minho with some girl. I thought it was a staff member, but then she kissed him. I was so sure he liked Jisung.

"Minho what the fuck I thought we had something going on between us." Jisung sobbed and grabbed me and ran.
"Baby wait I don't even know her." Minho shouted out but it was too late Jisung had already fled.
"I-i can't believe he would do that. I thought he liked me!" Han sniffed as we made it to the front doors of the mall Minho's call was dying out. Like Han's mood, it had started to rain. We didn't expect this weather, so we had to walk home in it.

When we got home, Han's phone was flooded with messages from everyone, but mainly Minho, who was trying to apologise. "You're soaked through!" Chan said, walking into my apartment while I was getting Han a towel.
"Mhm." Han said, still annoyed, and he wasn't going to pretend everything was alright. "Have a bath, then I'll dry your hair Hannie, you go first." Chan said as Han nodded and went off.

"What happened? Can I help?" He asked me.
"I'll tell you, but you can't tell anyone else." I said with a serious look, telling him I wasn't joking.
"We saw some girl kissing Minho, and Han ran out crying." I said quietly so Han wouldn't hear.
"He said about a random girl kissing him and Jisung running away he's going to be here soon he drove us home, but I left earlier with Changbin." Chan stated.
"How can you be so sure it was a random girl?" Jisung came out the bathroom with a towel around his waist and tear stained cheeks.

"Well, I mea-" He was cut off.
"IT WAS NOT A RANDOM GIRL. HE SAID HE LOVED ME!" Han shouted crumpling to the floor.
"It's probably best if you go hyung thanks, though." I said, sitting on the floor in front of a very upset Jisung.
"Come here, baby." I said, patting my lap he was still wet from his bath he had taken. while he was lying down, I had a shower, so I was wearing a bath robe and some sweats, so I took my robe off and draped it around his shoulder, and stroked his back.

"Can I do anything to make it better? We have classes tomorrow on music. Perhaps you could write a song on how you feel?" I suggested I knew it wasn't the best but just wanted to make him happy.
"Y-yeah I might if you can sit with me?" Han asked, looking at me with wide eyes.
I climbed onto my bed since Han had to share a room with Minho.

I gathered he might not want to go back so soon. I sat up on the bed and patted in between my legs so he could sit himself down and write. I looked at the clock after a while of playing with Han's silk brown hair. It was now 12am.
"Hannie, you think you want to go to sleep now?" I asked, holding his hand.
"Yeah, I'm tired. Can I stay here with you?" Han asked to be upset to go back in bed with Minho.

"Of course, come here then." I patted the spare pillows I had brought with me, and got under the blankets and held the blanket up for him to get under. Han snuggled under and put his head into my chest, and began to fall asleep quite quickly. The anger that had built up in him had begun to disappear for tonight, at least.

My Roommate // HyunlixWhere stories live. Discover now