♧-These Classes Might Just Work-♧

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I woke up to find Jisung in exactly the same place as he was when we went to bed eight hours ago. As I sat up, he had stirred awake his messy but stylish brown hair was all over the place, but he still looked amazingly cute with the sun shining over his face, slightly giving him a heavenly glow.
"Morning sunshine, how'd you sleep?" I asked, getting out of bed to check my phone and how long we had to get ready since class starts at 9 am.
"Not great. The thing with Minho just kept replaying." He mumbled, getting out of bed himself.

"Oh great, my clothes are in our shared room, and I'd rather not go in there." Han complained, heading to the kitchen I followed after him. "You can borrow mine? Or I'll go in and get some if you hand over the key?" I suggested not really wanting to face Minho, but if it made Han happy, I would do anything.
"Would you? I just need a top pair of jeans, and can I borrow a hoodie? It kinda embarrassing, but mine all smell like Minho cause we used to cuddle every night so I could sleep." Han muttered the last bit embarrassed.
"Sure, that's fine. Help yourself. I'm off to go get your things, be right back, sungie." I said, watching as Han's eyes turned into little crescents as I called him the new nickname. I headed across the corridor and unlocked Han's shared room.
"Baby?" Minho called, rushing towards the door.

"It's me, Minho Jisungs, at my place." I said bitterly, walking towards their wardrobe to get what Han had asked for.
"Can I go see him?" Minho asked with hopeful eyes.
"I doubt he wants to see you." I said, standing by the front door about to leave.
"Tell him I'm sorry. I didn't know who that girl was she just kissed me." Minho said sadness flooding his face.
"I can tell him, but from our perspective, it looked like you were making out with her." I told him, walking out of the room, leaving him standing there. I made it back to my room to find Han had made Bugeo-guk and had set it on the table waiting for me to return.
"Hey, you're back. I made some soup for us before we headed down to classes." He said, smiling at me and taking the clothes off of me to put on since when I was gone, he must have had a shower.
"Thanks, Minho said he's sorry, but I told him you probably won't accept his apology." I said, sitting down and waiting for him to change from the other room.

"You're right. I don't know if I can ever accept his apology because to me, it looked like he was fully making out with that girl, and I was so convinced that he liked me." Han chucked at his stupidness of believing that.
"Right, let's eat and go down to music? And are we recording our song today?" I asked, eating some of the food and looking up to see what his answer would be.
"Yeah, we are recording today, but I wrote Minho the main part and will have to sit with him while I direct it with Changbin hyung and Chan hyung." He said, getting up to put our bowls away in the sink before holding my hand and walking out of the apartment together. I feel all warm inside when Han holds my hand. we have been close friends since we were four, and having him around makes me feel very happy. We had walked down towards campus and towards the recording studio, which is where our lesson would take place. We were told to work in groups, and we all decided to be in one group it was a but of a challenge to organise lines for everyone, but we wanted to show we could do the impossible. We all piled into the classroom.

Minho sat away from Han, knowing it was bad enough they had to work together.
"Right, as you all know, you will be recording your song today. The best one will be played in front of the school. If you have a bigger group, make sure everyone has enough lines and that you remember where your part is off you go!" The teacher dismissed us, and we had two hours to do it.
"Right Changbin your up first then me, then Felix, Han, Minho, Jeongin, and then Seungmin." Chan said, reading off of our lyric sheet we had written.

Changbin had begun to rap his beginning part of our song Hellevator. Half way through Han had got upset at Seungmin for his messing up on one of the English lines in our song after I had calmed him down everything went smoothly Han and Minho didn't argue or talk to eachother only when it was totally necessary to comment on his lines since Changbin Chan and Han were in charge of writing and directing. The two hours was up and we has edited our song and put it all together we were all very pleased with how it turned out and when the teacher had listened to ours he seemed shocked at how well we had done managing to put seven voices together and make it sound amazing.

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