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Niall opened his eyes in the pitch black room aside from his nightlight and soother. He sat up, only dressed in a onesie and nappy with a dummy bobbing his mouth. 

The sky was still pitch black, and Niall whined softly. He grabbed his otter soother and held it close to his chest and mumbled some things into his dummy.

Harry slowly opened his eyes after hearing mumbles from the baby monitor. He smiled softly at his snoring boyfriend before climbing out of bed and heading to his baby's room.

"Dada!" Niall squealed loudly when Harry opened the door and walked in. "Shh." Harry shushed as he walked over and picked him up. "What's got you up hmm?" Harry asked, checking the front of Niall's nappy to see it was dry. 

"Not sleepy." The boy whined, "Wanna play." Harry couldnt help but coo, "It's night time though."

Niall frowned and began whining loudly when Harry tried to set him back in his crib. "Alright alright."

"Wanna sleep with dada."

Harry sighed, "Just for tonight alright?"

Niall nodded happily, "Otter!" Harry grabbed the otter and headed to Louis' room which he would be sleeping in.

He set Niall in the middle of the bed, between him and Lou, before tucking him in and watching his boy fall asleep.


Louis turned over to escape the sun, opening his eyes and jumping a little when he saw Niall staring him dead in the eyes.

"Ni? How did you get in here?" He croaked out, Niall giggled and pointed to a dead-asleep Harry. Louis sighed and rolled his eyes, of course, Harry brought him in here.

"Are you hungry?" He whispered as he got out of bed and grabbed Niall, carrying him over to his nursery. 

Niall nodded when Louis set him on his changing table, laughing at Louis' funny faces he made as he was changing him.

After Niall had been changed he brought the boy downstairs to see a package lying on the porch, Niall's high chair.

Louis grabbed a baby doll and handed it to Niall, "Here baby. You play with this. Papa will be back."

He grabbed the box and dragged it near Niall where he began setting up the high chair, Having to take everything out of the box as Niall had ditched the doll and now wanted to play in the box.

Louis smirked when Zayn walked down the stairs holding his back, "Morning Z, Fun last night?"

"Baba!" Niall squealed and popped out of the box, making Zayn chuckle.

"Morning angel, and yes Lou. I did."

Louis nodded and winked at him, "Would you get his breakfast ready while I finish this? He's been awake for about 30 minutes now and has to be hungry."

Zayn nodded and headed into the kitchen, Niall disappeared back into the box. 5 minutes later Zayn was preparing some oatmeal and the high chair had been set up, but now Niall was having a tantrum.

"My box!"

"You can have the box Ni, we just need to go eat brekkie."


Louis sighed but relief washed over him when he saw Liam walk down the stairs, Harry appearing a few moments later.  

"Niall." Liam raised an eyebrow at him while Harry gave a kiss to his boyfriend while Louis scolded him for bringing Niall into their room.

"We're gonna go to the beach after breakfast but you need to behave if you wanna come, or I'll stay here with you while you nap."

He instantly shut up and reached out to be held by Liam, who gladly picked his baby up.

Niall pouted once in the high chair, finding there was no escape and he was stuck while Zayn finished making his breakfast. 

He was soon served with Zayn feeding him while the man took occasional bites of his own bowl while the other three ate some toast with fruit.

Once finished Liam regretted telling the boy they were going to the beach as he was chanting 'beach' while slamming his fists on the tray.

"I can't take it anymore." Liam whispered to Zayn who chuckled, "I'm going to get him ready then he can play while we pack."

Zayn nodded and Liam walked over and set Niall free, "Wanna go get ready?" Niall cheered and continued chanting while Liam carried him up the stairs.

Liam grabbed a swim nappy along with a pair of shorts although he probably wouldn't be wearing them. The property they were staying on was very private, they had come here a few times and no paps or fans had ever found them. 

He managed to change Niall into the nappy even with him struggling, He grabbed a backpack and threw some extra nappies and the shorts along with a long-sleeved shirt in there. The beach was a mile walk from the house and it would be easier to have everything on hand rather than walking back if he needed a change.

He threw some creams and baby powder in there along with a hat, He was about to bring Niall to the playroom only to remember what had happened yesterday, deciding to bring him to his room instead.

Zayn was in there slipping some swim trunks on, He cooed at Niall simply in his swim nappy but continued changing.

Needless to say, it was a bad idea to bring Niall while changing, the boy kept running around and jumping on the bed, he had run out of the room and tried to go downstairs after seeing Zayn go down there for some sunscreen. The only problem was he did it when Zayn was already downstairs and Liam had just taken his boxers off and was naked, Meaning Liam had to run out naked to chase the blonde.

Luckily Harry and Louis were in Louis' room changing so no one saw and he couldnt bring himself to be mad at the boy as he was simply excited.

Once finally changed he was grateful Zayn was preparing lunch and snacks with the help of Harry while Louis finished packing some things.

"Beach now?" Niall asked Liam who cooed, "Only a few more minutes baby. I promise."

Niall sat by the front door, squealing when Zayn put his flip-flops on and picked him up, and walked out the door, the other three following.

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