013 - Ghosts?

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The two of them pack the things into the trunk, Ronald leans against the door as he asks me again, "You sure about this?" He glances at the house. "I know you need some time but we've almost thought we'd all die alone in that house."

"I wanted to work through a lot of things, myself included. Parts of me that I am not happy about... there are parts about me that make me wonder how I ever got this far. But nobody knows me better than him."

He arches his brow at me, "Talking about dead you?"


He takes a deep breath before expressing, "Carter is scared this is where you walk away from us for good. If this is what it is, don't hesitate to tell us. We'd understand, just that we hope to meet  you again one day when you've figured it out for yourself."

I shake my head. "It's definitely not that."

"Happy to hear that is the case." He rubs his nose, "So K/DA huh?"

I nod. "Apparently."

"All four of 'em?" I nod again. "Lucky fucker. Then again as much as I am jealous I think it would be in poor taste to want to beat a dead man's ass because he's just higher on the pecking order, huh?"

"Maybe it'll knock some screws back into the right place."

He shakes his head at me, "Christ. I dunno why everyone's so scared of you not coming back when it feels like you just bumped your head a little and forgot that you had friends."

"Am I really that much like myself?"

"You talk like him, walk like him, crack jokes like him." He twists his lips to the side, "As unexpected as him. I never thought the two of us would get along in this lifetime but I guess flowers can bloom in fallout."

"We didn't get along?"

He shakes his head as he whistles. "We've been at each other's throats more times than we've been laughing over beers. But I respected what you've achieved just never liked you, he hid things well but my bullshit detector plays a part in forensics."

I nod slowly, "For good reason. (Y/N) had plenty of secrets."

"It never got in the way or harmed any of his friends, so I couldn't give a shit. But I am actually relieved to see that even when the accident took everything away from you, you are still the same guy. Sorry for being hard on you all those years."

I smile at him, "Consider them forgiven and forgotten."

"Too easy." He lifts his hand to shake mine, he squeezes my hand tightly. "Don't be a stranger."

"Do the same for me then."

He chuckles, "Do your best to remember me and I am pretty sure that problem will solve itself, but yeah, can do it."

They all come out to greet me before I leave. A good chunk of my belongings have been moved somewhere else, to my family home. Both my sisters are overseas and the youngest helped Dad move back overseas with her to where he was born, or close enough to it at least.

I say my goodbyes and drive off to the home that I have no memory of.

The house is situated near the edge of the suburb. I am fairly close to most of the city and don't have to go too far for anything. But what I do know is that the four of them live on the opposite end of the city. I don't know why that of all things stuck with me but I won't think too much about that.

I reach the house to see a vehicle parked right in front of it. It most definitely wasn't there a couple of trips ago.

My heart rate starts to steadily climb as I park just behind it. I slowly climb out and walk up to the vehicle to see that it is empty. I turn my attention to my gate standing open along with the front door.

I SHOULD be calling the cops.

But instead, I pushed up to my house. Every single step I took was like a conscious thought being repeated to me.  Every step was warning me that I'd SEEN this before, that if I took another step further the worst would come to pass.

Then why can't I stop my feet? I ask myself as I freeze in front of the door. I reach for a vase sitting on the front porch, feeling the weight of it as I decide to push through despite my better judgment telling me that this is a mistake.

I walked through to see the house was left as it was. None of the boxes are opened, and the door leading to the upstairs rooms is locked. The moment I tested the lock I could hear the vehicle outside start up.

Dashing outside but it was already too late.

"Fucking suspicious."

Nothing's adding up, was this just by chance? Or is someone keeping an eye on me? My phone rings in my pocket. With a sigh I put the phone down, put the vase back and park the car inside the yard before I lock everything just to feel a tad bit more comfortable.

Ahri called me.

I call her back and she instantly picks it up, "Hey. You settling in fine?"

I twist my lips to the side. "Have a lot of things I need to unpack before I can get anything done..."

"You sound spooked, are you okay?"

"Just got a nasty case of deja vu." I then pull the conversation away from that for a moment, "What's up?"

"Well I was making sure you were home before I sent someone to deliver all your tech, but then I had this brilliant idea of wondering if you needed some company while you try to get that place back up to speed."

I cross my arm over my middle, watching the front door with a frown. Is that safe? I am suddenly... so aware of something dangerous. My heart is beating in my stomach, there's this stress-induced tension pulsing in the back of my neck.

Clearly, my body is trying to tell me something.


"(Y/N)?" She sounds worried.

"Sorry," I sigh to myself. "Just- yeah I could do with some company."

"I'll be over with everything in a little bit."

"Sweet. See you then."

I cut the call and tossed the phone towards the chair. What the fuck is going on?

Shattered Mind - A KDA male readerWhere stories live. Discover now