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*wake up wake up
it's a brand new day*

I fudging hate mornings but I hate this mother triggering alarm even more.

Please heavens above, bless me with utmost patience, stability in my feet and no bumping, running, smacking or anything of that sort as I am about to begin a brand new phase of my fantabulous life. Amen.

Praying for everything necessary for today, I made my way to the bathroom holding the wall for support. Maybe I was on crack yesterday? Or smoking marijuana or something?

Because I do feel like I was high and these are just the after effects, not that I know how it is supposed to feel like but you get the gist.

Do you smoke coke or like, snort it?

Asking purely for research purposes.

I washed my face and brushed my teeth and got rid of waste in my body *ahem ahem* and left the bathroom.

I don't have to fret about my OOTD because we already took care of that ages ago. Kidding just two days ago because ages ago even my angels didn't know I would be here sobbing and going insane. Well again that was an exaggeration of my poor situation but a girl can emphasize her misery.

Eating a bowl of cereal, a granola bar and a full cup of chocolate milk I opened my laptop and read through the details of my work that they sent in via e-mail.

It seems more like an internship than a permanent job by the looks of the guidelines.

I'm just bluffing. I don't know how internships or jobs work.

No one would believe I grew up in a household of one of the leaders of the industrial sector.

I am not complaining though as long as I am getting paid with good incentives I have no problem.

Today is the day I check whether the principles and techniques of Henry Fayol and F W Taylor are actually being applied here or not as I've learnt in my business management classes during school.

Bruh, those days. I can still list all of them on the tip of my fingers, only they are more than my itsy bitsy fingers.

So I got ready in this cute outfit because I want my first day to be really comfy. I am a home body, ya know?

I almost died seven times while getting ready because I kept stumbling on the bags that were sprawled across my bedroom floor. I went to rob the mall yesterday. Oh yeah, my most favorite thing in the world.

I bought a whole new closet for my formal fits. I know today's outfit is meh because I don't want to be the center of attraction on the first day which I know I absolutely will be but I can try.

So after getting ready I sat in my car double checking the presence of my phone and house keys then pulling out of the parking lot.

I reached my destination safe and sound. Thank God.

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