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I was talking to Ender when I stepped on a pen. And when I picked it up to put it in the holder, it was not how it was supposed to be. A chocolate box lay open on the desk and there was a note under it.

"Sweet like me for a bitter person like you" it said. I knew who sent it.

But who dares enter my office in my absence and touch my things without my permission?

Analyzing the whole room, only one place seemed doubtful.

Walking up to the door I peeled it open and the creature that I saw didn't surprise me.

This girl surely has something wrong with her.

I kicked Ender out and went to attend my uninvited guest.

I waited for her outside but that silly girl didn't come out by herself.

What the hell was she expecting now?

Reluctantly, I had to reach her again but the real problem arose when she stood up and looked at me and I had to look away.

Her fucking shirt was see through now.


Just the fucking thing I needed. Fucking annoying trouble maker.

Pinching my nose in frustration, I came out, picked a spare black jacket and threw it at her.

"Wear it" I said when she had the audacity to look at me in confusion.

How clueless can she be?

I heard her gasp when I was shutting the door. Must've seen herself in the mirror finally.

She took five more minutes to come out and stood in front of me guiltily.

"Explain." I commanded. Must be another silly reason behind it.

I have never seen someone like her. People are usually formal with me but this particular talkative girl is quite the opposite.

She is always causing trouble and dropping things around her.

"I swear to the donuts I had this morning that I did not do it intentionally. Please Mr Fierro trust me. These were just a series of mishappenings that I didn't aim for. Let me tell you how. I was asked to drop a USB to you by Mr Blake and when I came here you were not here and nor was your assistant outside so I called Mr Blake and asked him what should I do next and he said that I must leave it on your desk then and that's what I did. And- and- and I might've looked at the view for a few minutes and then I promise I left but I realized that I had left my phone here so I came back again and saw a box that wasn't there before and curiosity got the best of me so I opened it. It was such a pretty violet box and when I saw chocolates inside I could not resist and had one. I promise I'd get you the same new whole box. And then you came and I panicked and I hid, rest you know"

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