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As Madelene retreated to her room, she couldn't shake the swirling thoughts in her mind. The encounter with Kai left her feeling conflicted and unsettled. She couldn't deny the fear in his eyes, nor could she ignore the strange connection she felt with him, despite the danger he posed. The moment their hands touched and he took her magic, it felt weird but at the same time, intoxicating.

Sitting on her bed, she hugged her knees to her chest, lost in thought. Kai weighed heavily on her conscience now.

Her mother's words echoed in her mind, warning her to stay away from him. But Madelene couldn't ignore the nagging feeling that there was more to Kai's story than meets the eye. Joshua Parker was known to have a short temper and she did not like him much.

She wondered, why now, she never paid mind to the boy before, she had never seen him so up close.

It has to be so isolating and agonizing to be a part of such a strong family as a coven is, yet being denied existence within them.

Madelene didn't see siphoning magic as inherently evil, yet she could see how depriving a person of any sort of love, would be more evil in her eyes.

 Then and there she hated her weak heart and made a decision. She would find a way to help Kai, even if it meant going against her mother's wishes. But she knew she had to act in secret.

Vivienne Brooks was a beautiful, powerful, and scary woman and witch. She was well respected amongst the coven, and she made it exceptionally clear to Madelene that she intended for it to stay that way, every time she rebelled against her. It was already extremely difficult for her to keep her position after her husband left. 

She did not only want to reach out to Kai, but something deep inside told her she had to do it, and witches, from the youngest age, are taught to never ignore their conscience.


Kai paced back and forth in his room, his mind racing with thoughts of what happened in the woods the previous night. He couldn't shake the guilt and shame of what he did to that girl. He didn't sleep that night, partially from the guilt, and partially from Madelene's magic running through his veins.

He never wanted to be violent, he didn't know why he got so angry. It was like a complete mind blackout. Something deep inside was controlling his body.

He didn't understand why, despite hurting her, Madelene was still so kind to him. There was something warm and pleasant in his chest when she acted the way she did, it was an unknown feeling.

As she was walking away, he found himself not wanting her to leave him alone.

Kai felt like he needed to see her again and apologize properly, without his father knowing, without scaring her.

He cautiously opened his bedroom door and quietly closed it. His steps were as light as possible, trying not to step on any loose wood that would make cracking sounds.

As soon as he made the final step down the stairs his eyes fell on the imposing figure of his father, standing in the hallway. The atmosphere seemed to crackle with tension as Joshua's piercing gaze locked onto Kai. His father had a talent for sucking the air out of every space he would himself in.

"Where are you going, Malachai?" Joshua's tone was sharp and accusatory

Kai's heart skipped a beat as he struggled to form a response. "Just... just out for a walk," he managed to mumble, looking down at his dirk, beat down, black Converse.

"Look at me when you talk" Joshua immediately cut in. Kai looked up from his shoes immediately meeting his father's cold gaze.

"A walk, huh? " There was a sign of warning in his father's voice.

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