08 (18+)

281 9 8

TW: This chapter contains adult content

As the evening turned into the night Kai remained awake, his gaze lingering on the peaceful expression on Madelene's face. He savored the quiet intimacy of the moment, the only sound around was her breaths, the occasional rustle of the sheets, and the muffled sound of the TV coming from downstairs.

Lost in his thoughts, Kai traced the contours of her face with his fingertips, memorizing every curve and line. He was drowning in emotions bubbling deeply inside, a heated sense of protectiveness and possessiveness was swallowing him whole.

As the hours passed in quiet reverence, Kai remained awake, guarding their sanctuary. The siphoner spent the whole night thinking of what was to come next, he was not anticipating the event, but he savored the feeling that would come after. She will be only his. The plan was perfect, thought out to the last second.

And as the first light of dawn painted the sky pink, a gentle warmth seeped into the room, casting a soft glow upon the girl lying almost on top of his chest. Madelene shifted against him, her movements languid as the sun hit her closed eyes.

She mumbled under her breath and squeezed her head deeper into his chest to block the sunbeams. Her long eyelashes tickled on his skin.

Kai tightened his embrace. Outside, the world began to stir, the sounds of life filtering through the stillness of the dawn.

With a sigh, he pressed a kiss to her temple, savoring the sweetness of the moment before slowly releasing himself from her iron clutch.

She immediately embraced the pillow he had just laid on and continued her slumber.

He grabbed a piece of paper and a pen from her desk and quickly scribbled.

Had to go before your mom came. Didn't want to wake you up, you were too cute:) I'll see you at mine later.

Kai quietly put his pants, shirt, and shoes on. He grabbed his jacket and slowly made his way to the door. He turned around one more time to scan the room for any miscellaneous items but his eyes only caught his navy hoodie laying on the floor. He grabbed it and tossed it on the bed for Maddie to find before gently closing the door to the room.

He walked downstairs and strolled into the kitchen, poured himself a glass of water, and wandered into the living room. He walked around, not snooping but observing the space. He grabbed the remote and turned off the TV that was playing the whole night.

He walked over to a small table behind the couch with a phone on it. Red light beeping suggested voicemails to listen to.

He shamelessly pressed the button and a robotic voice filled the room

You have: two unopened voicemails


Hi Mads, it's Carly, let me know if your mom said yes to the sleepover. I can come pick you up...call me back, bye


Heyyy are you alive? I hope you didn't ditch me for that asshole Cody. You can still come over just give me a call...bye

Fueled by his dislike for Carly even more now, he swiftly deleted the voicemails without a second thought, his frustration evident as he thought of the girl calling him an asshole. What has Maddie told her about him?

Kai's jealousy over Maddie was bubbling inside, clouding his judgment as he dialed Carly's number. His dislike for her simmered beneath the surface as he prepared himself to confront her.

"Hello?" The blonde's voice was raspy, probably being woken up by the call.

"I know you're friends with Maddie, but I need you to stop contacting her, at least for a while," Kai continued, his possessiveness evident in his words. "She's not in a good place mentally right now, and she needs a break from everything, including you. She asked me to contact you. She will speak to you when she's ready"

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