Chapter 12: Cause you are the one I was meant to find

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James, the second Beta of the Black Moon above

Nicolai POV

Mattia's health has improved since we got aid from the Black Moon pack. He eats almost normally, his wounds have healed, he has no bruises anymore, he seems to be breathing better, and he does not get tired so quickly. Everything is better despite his blotches.

The blotches, which seem bigger than a week ago, are also shown on his body in the new places. There are not that many, and Mattia claims they are not painful, but I'm still worried.

And the fact that Carson is exchanging looks with Anne, the woman from the hunter's clan, who, as I was told, is a specialist in poisons, is bothering me more and more.

"And they don't cause you any pain?" Carson asks Mattia, who nods. Even though I'm worried, I'm still amazed at how good he is with my boy, how kind he conducts every examination, and how careful he is not to trigger Mattia in any way.

"OK, I would like to talk a bit with Nicolai," Carson says. Do you think you can go outside with Ivory and Trist and watch them train other wolves?"

As always, Mattia looks at me first; since I found him, he has never done anything without getting my permission first. I smile to him and he leaves with Ivory, he doesn't look any longer so unsure and scared anytime I not in his vision reach, and it's good news. However, when this story ends, he will have to adjust to everyday life once again, and interacting with others without fear is basic.

"What's wrong with him?" I ask the moment I'm left alone with Carson and Anne.

"We don't know for sure, but I've checked his blood, and he seems to have a very low level of bilirubin. I don't know why, but his body seems to be OK. Except that the blotches are just getting bigger. Despite that, everything else seems to be OK. One states, glancing quickly through the chart, she has Mattias's results probably. "What do you think, Carson?"

"Blotches are usually the sin of high blood pressure, but I wonder if they are also some kind of allergic reaction."

"Reaction for what?'" I ask a bit angrily.

"We don't know because we don't know what kind of experiments were practiced on him. His digestion problems seem to have calmed down, but I wonder if he may lack some nutrients. His level of stress is also still very high. Don't worry, Nicolai. We will figure it out. I've sent all his results to Black Moon Pack alongside the blood, hair, and skin samples. They have better equipment than we have here."

"But the way his body is, it reminds me a bit of Alistair," Anne says and I frown, not knowing who Alistair is.

"Alistair is the hunter from Anne's clan who was bitten by the creature. It caused his leg to start rotting there quickly, and we had to amputate his leg on the spot. Because of shock, blood loss, and infection, he was in a coma, but he woke up. But during that time, there were lots of blotches like that on what remained of his thigh. You may be right, Anne." Carson says.

"I'll ask Black Moon to send us all of Alistair's medical documentation, and we will see," she says, leaving without giving me a single look. Anne is very indifferent towards me, I guess she doesn't find me essential for her job.

"Nicolai, I know you are worried, but we will figure it out. I promise I will do all I can to make sure Mattia is safe."

He touches my shoulder to console me, but instinctively, I cringe. Not because of his touch but because I felt like electricity running through my body. Not only am I surprised, but Carson seems too. He looks at me, scared a bit.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to," I mumble, feeling strange. But I don't want him to be scared. There is this strong urge inside my body to take him in my arms.

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