Chapter 13: You can calm a storm in me

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Jake, the 3rd Gamma of Black Moon above


Kathy POV

"Basically, luring the Alpha into the trap wasn't very difficult," Jake states." I only have to mention to him that despite signing the alliance, I'm interested in joining his business. I told him about Mattia, and after that, it was a piece of cake."

His cold posture and voice are almost freezing as he looks with hate at the bonded man before us.

"So, instead of asking questions, you simply kidnapped the Alpha of Mattia's pack," Tonya states in a voice equally cold as Jake's.

I glance at the Gamma of my pack, understanding why he decided to use such a brutal proceeding. That Alpha is like Jake's first Alpha. Mattia was sold the same way Jake's brother was, with only one difference: Mattia's parents were also killed, and Jake and his mother were not.

Tonya kneels in front of the man, gagged and chained to the floor by his neck. Heavy chains are also on his wrists and ankles, and his bruised body is shaking. Jake and his team didn't hold back when they took him prisoner. Not that I pity the dirty son of bitch.

"We won't make it the easy way. You will not get that choice," Tonya says coldly, grabbing him by his jaw; her silver eyes start glowing, and a strange feeling of discomfort settles inside me.

 Dominance Tonya spreads around changed since her death because technically, she was dead for a couple of minutes and is difficult to handle. Silver has gotten stronger, more dangerous, and more blood-lusted, and that vibe of strength and coldness affects everybody around her. When she wants other wolves to crawl in fear, she doesn't need to do much.

I feel it, and so does our prisoner. Unlike me, however, he is not her ally or friend but her enemy, and he is perfectly aware of it. I see his trembling worsening as his nostrils move rapidly, smelling Tonya's dominance and bloodthirst.

"How many kids have you sold?" Tonya whispers lowly, but he doesn't dare to look the other way.

"They... they have been just omegas... for the strength of the pack...''

His voice gets lost in his throat because Tonya's grip gets stronger; I hear an awful sound of bone breaking, and his jaw is broken.

"Now, you will consider your words most carefully since they will be very painful," she states as he whimpers.

I guess he now understands this is serious and that the payment for his crimes has finally come. He answers the questions, telling us that one of his friends offered him a way to increase the pack budget. That he traded only seven children during the last two years when he did it for the first time. He usually posed it as an accident in the woods, but Mattia's parents caught him in the act, so he had to kill them, too, making it look like the rogue's attack.

The money transfer was covered as the business with, of course, FuturaHW, and he gave us the name of a friend who introduced him to FuturaHW. That friend probably won't die very soon, but we make sure he will. Honestly, I don't feel any sympathy towards him when we leave the dungeon with his twisted body bleeding slowly out; we no longer need him since he gave us all the information we wanted from him.

Tonya could probably get Rosie here to read his memories, but I'm happy she hasn't done it. Rosie doesn't need more trauma, more visions of vile memories of monsters dressed up like people and hiding among us.

As we sit in Tonya's study, there is still a heavy silence among us.

"Our guy in Seattle, in FuturaHW central, notified us that there will be a very important gala next week, or more like a business trade for pharmaceutical companies, and FuturaHW is hosting it. I think it's a good idea if we go there," Tonya says, tapping her fingers on her father's and her desk.

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