Chapter 17: Kiss me hard before you go

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Leon, Carson's boyfriend above

Nicolai POV

I hug curled Mattia, lying next to me one the bed as he listens to the stories I tell him. He is still hooked to the drip, and his lips are still blue, yet he stops throwing with blood. He is still pale and weak as hell, but Carson is sure that the boy is out of danger, at least for now.

It was the longest day of my life. I was sitting in front of the room where Carson was fighting for Mattia's life.

"I'm hungry," he suddenly whispers.

"You can't eat unless we are sure there is no longer bleeding in your stomach. It will get better; that's why you are on the drip. You will get better."

"Why did it happen?" he asks, and I pull him closer to me.

"Carson said that, according to him, you lacked some important substance in your body. He figured out that you need transfusions, meaning I have to give you some of my blood, and also Ivory gave you some of hers, and that made you better."

Truthfully, I did not necessarily understand everything that Carson and Anne explained to me when Mattia was still unconscious. First, werewolves don't have blood types; they feel better after transfusions depending on the wolf's rank. In short, the higher-ranked wolf is the donor, which means his blood is better. That's why Mattia got blood from Ivory; apparently, her wolf is the strongest among all gathered here.

But, for whatever reason, Mattia was showing signs of rejection of Ivory's blood, so Carson came up with the idea to mix it with mine. Apparently, the FuturaHW uses human blood in its experiments on werewolves. Mattia is out of danger for now, at least until we figure out the perfect proportions and timing for giving him his transfusions. I wonder if he will need them for the rest of his life.

James enters the room, saying he can sit with Mattia and I should go to eat and take a shower. I should shower, mainly because I have been sitting with Mattia for two days straight, not leaving him even for a moment. I'm not very happy, but I understand his arguments. They are werewolves, so I'm sure my body's odor bothers them more than mine.

The shower was very quick, and my plan was to eat quickly. But I changed my mind when I noticed that Carson was eating alone in the dining room. It's been a while since I had an occasion to be alone with him, so I took my plate and went his way.

He smiles brightly but looks tired. There are dark bags under his eyes, and it makes me worry. He should rest more, sleep more, maybe. We talk about Mattia's condition as I study his features. He is beautiful, even so tired. I want to touch his face, slide my fingers on his perfect jawline, and maybe caress his plum lips. I feel my warrior waking up the moment I let my mind imagine those lips wrapped around... Fuck... I have never been that attracted to anybody. And yet, there is something dark in his eyes as he looks at me.

"Have you got any bad news for me about Mattia?" I ask because only this one thing can make him that gloomy.

"I'm afraid that giving him the blood will be crucial to keep him alive, but I'm also scared that this will also fuel the process of his change. His cells were changing but showed signs of slowing down, but as soon as he got the transfusion, he got better. The process of his cells changing may start again."

"Changing in what?"

"I'm not sure, but I'm scared of the creature. I send his results to our headquarters, asking for their help, and I hope they will figure something out as quickly as possible."

"How much time do we have?"

"Thanks, Goddess. I will slow the process by limiting the transfusion. We will keep Mattia weak but alive. I'm sorry, but that's my best idea for now."

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