Poseidon's Patch?

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I blink a few times. Thank goodness, it's just Luke. He looks worried. He's also got a bruise on his cheek.

"Dude! Why aren't you in the medical cabin?! Percy! Come on, seriously?!" He looks at me with wide eyes that dart around.

"Wait." He pauses. He takes the scene in.

His eyes trail down me slowly. They come back and and lock with mine.

"You're not like the rest of us...are you?" He says. He's not angry. He's not annoyed. Not even surprised. 

I sit up slowly, I'm currently on Percy's chest, in between his legs. So when I sit up, I'm basically sitting in his lap. He's leaned against pillows though, nit right next to me.

He nods slowly. "That's where you went. You too, Percy."

I have no words. Maybe if I don't talk he won't get it right.

Luke laughs a bit. "You went to the gods, didn't you? Our lousy parents?"

"You're both immortal, aren't you?" He laughs and shakes his head.

"Luke, I-" Percy starts but Luke cuts him off.

"No, no really I don't mind. I'm just...curious." He steps closer.

"Did Annabeth know? Is that why she wanted you dead?" He looks at me for an answer.

Percy elbows me. "No. She didn't know. It's just-"

"I didn't ask for anything else. I just asked if she knew. Who else knows?"

"Percy. Mr.D. You, now." I look at the floor.

"Let me see where she stabbed you" he requests all of a sudden.

"What? No, it's right in my chest I'm not going t-"

"Show me. You don't have to show any other skin, I just want to see what it's like now." Luke says.

"I-" Percy stops me before I can talk any more.

"You can do it, y/n. He's not gonna do anything bad." He says.

"I'll make sure of it." He mumbles as I pull down my shirt.

"What was that?" Luke asks.

"Hm? That? Oh, nothin!" Percy says quickly, laughing a bit.

My skin is completely healed, a faint patch of blue is on it.

"Holy shit" Luke whispers quietly.

"What? Something wrong? It's healed. Just a bruise." I say quickly 

Luke laughs with wide eyes. "Oh no, see that's where you're wrong. That's not a bruise."

Percy attempts to turn his head so he can see. "I genuinely can not see, what is it?"

"That's Poseidon's patch." Luke nods. Percy almost chokes on air behind me.

"Okay, my bad here, but what in the fucknuckles is a Poseidon patch? Is that some skin condition? Some plant rash? Explain bro" I say and furrow my eyebrows.

"Poseidon's stamp of approval basically." Luke shrugs casually.

"What does that even mean?! I've literally never heard of this. It sounds like some made up fanfiction thing" I say and ask kinda confused.

(who told her guys, WHO TOLD HER?!)

"It means my..dad...thinks you're as perfect as I do. It means he's seen your fights, and he wants me to be with you in your future ones." He takes a deep breath.

"So he's kinda like...saying we're soulmates?" He says hesitantly as if he's not currently still kinda cuddling with me after I've just slept on his chest after he saved me from a murder attempt.

"It doesn't matter what they think though. They're our parents, not us. They don't control us, they don't matter." He follows up with and I nod slowly.

"Really? Oh my gosh, great work Sherlock!" Luke says in a fake high pitched voice.

I snort and Percy claps a hand down over my mouth to keep me from laughing at him.

"Okay dude, NOT needed! Not cool man!" Percy says in fake offense.

"My bad my bad. Sorry man." Luke says.

"Woah, woah, woah. You were just being super scary and menacing. What happened?!" I ask quickly.

"Oh well I kinda thought you two were going to be all like" he swaps to a girly high voice.

"Oh my gosh! Ooo, now we have to get married because your daddy said so! And my mommy probably also says so, but she's technically not supposed to leave marks anymore!"

He finishes.

"Okay, she does NOT sound like that" Percy laughs while laughing.

"Yeah bro, I do not sound like that!" I say in a fake sassy voice.

"You're right, you're right. It's much higher."


We all explode into laughter. I throw my head back and Luke bends over to try and stop. Percy's slapping his knee.

"Okay, well, I'm kinda not supposed to be here right now...they told me to go back to the Hermes" he looks like he's biting something back when he says his dads name. "Cabin, but I checked the infirmary and you guys weren't there so..." he shrugs.

"I won't tell anyone. About the...uh...immortal thing...by the way. I know if that got out you'd be screwed. People would be pissed." He nods. 

"Thank you, Luke" I say and smile.

"Thanks" Percy nods.

"Anytime" Luke says. "Alright. See you fellas later? Maybe on the rocks tonight?" He asks.

"Oh for sure" Percy says. "Right, Beach girl?" He confirms.

"Right." I nod and smile even bigger.

"Adios" he salutes with two fingers and goes out the door.

"Bye bye" I say and wave.

Percy laughs. "Bye bye?" I turn to face him, so now I'm sitting next to him rather than on top of him.

"What?! Is that bad? I'm sorry!" I ask and quickly apologize in case it's offensive some how.

"No, no, don't apologize. It's actually super cute." He leans in closer, but not close enough to kiss me just yet.

Suddenly I'm blushing. "Uh-thank-thank you?" He's a little too close right now.

"You're welcome" he leans in and connects our lips. His lips taste sweet. They're soft too.

He slowly switches positions so that he's holding me in his arms, and my hands are on his neck.

 His skin is smooth and a little sunburnt from all our time outside. It's very cute. 

One hand reaches up and tangles in his hair, I just can't resist playing with it a little bit. 

I have to push him off for a second to get some air. He looks at me and I blush even harder.

"You alright, beach girl?" 

I respond by giving him another kiss. It's going well until a voice interrupts.

"OH MY GOSH, SORRY!" the door of the cabin slams shut and we see Grover running away and down the path from which he came.

We have a good laugh about that.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25 ⏰

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