Louis and Kira

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Louis’ POV

            I felt bad leaving Kira all alone for the day. Today was one of the few days off she had off from work and of course there just had to be a last minute signing. Not that I was complaining about my job. That would be stupid.

            I sighed as I stood up from the couch and went over to the closet to get my shoes and coat. Kira gave me a confused look as she examined my every move. I walked back over to her and bent over to give her a kiss.

            “Management called. They arranged another signing,” I said sadly.

            “Really?” Kira looked disappointed.

            “Yeah. I’m sorry babe. I’ll be back as soon as soon as I possibly can,” I promised her.

            “Okay, I’ll hold you to that. Have fun,” she smiled at me. I smiled back at her and quickly left our flat. Hopefully I would be walking back through that door in a few hours.

            When I got to the front of the building I spotted the awaiting car. I kept my head down as I walked over because it was just beginning to become spring and there was still a chill in the air. I opened the door and was greeted by four familiar faces.

            “Hey lads,” I greeted them. They smiled and mumbled in reply. It looks like none of us were too eager to do this signing.

            “I just wanted to spend my day with Ali,” complained Harry.

            “And I just wanted to go on a date with Lisa,” Liam stated.

            “I wanted to watch a movie with Sara,” Niall said sadly.

            “Well I just wanted to sleep,” Zayn groaned and pulled his hoodie closer to his face. We all cracked up at that. Of course the single man just wants to sleep.

            “Listen lads. We all want to be somewhere else right now, but let’s perk up. Not for us, but for the fans,” I encouraged everyone.

            “Okay,” they all chorused as we pulled up to the building where we would be trapped for the next few hours.

Kira’s POV

            My smile faded as Louis closed the door to our flat. He always had to leave on short notice. It could be quite disappointing at times, but I still loved him just as much. I sat in place for a minute before picking up the TV remote and flipping through the channels until I found something better than the romance movie Louis picked out. Oh, this was much better. I made myself comfortable as Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone came back from commercial break.

            A while later I found myself smiling at the ending of the movie. Man, if I had powers even close to the one’s Harry had I would be awesome. As my excitement died down I realized I still had a little bit of time before Louis came back.

            Out of desperation I pulled out the old boredom buster. My phone. I checked Twitter and Facebook before setting it back down on the table. And once again I didn’t know what to do. I stared at the ceiling for a few minutes and nothing came to my mind. Gosh, I felt like such a little kid. Then it hit me.

            I ran to my room, or Louis and I’s room, and grabbed my iPod and the dock. I plugged it in and started blaring random songs. I pushed the coffee table out of the way and started jumping around and singing along. I hadn’t done this in such a long time. It felt so good to act young again.

Louis’ POV

            After the signing I asked the boys if we could make a quick side trip to the store. They agreed, knowing I was picking things up for Kira. I ended up buying some flowers since they were always a classic.

            After that I said goodbye to the lads and was dropped off back at our building. I couldn’t wait to get up to the flat. Then I could salvage what was left of the night with Kira.

            As I approached our flat I heard loud, but muffled music. And it wasn’t just any music. It was What Makes You Beautiful. Kira must have her iPod on shuffle. I suppressed my laughter as I opened the door and saw Kira singing and dancing along. I hadn’t seen her this carefree in a long time. I stood by the door, admiring her for a few seconds before I realized an important line was coming up.

            I slipped out of my coat and shoes and went up closer to her. When I heard “you don’t know you’re beautiful” I wrapped my arm around her waist and sang the lyrics in her ear. She jumped before turning around to come face to face with me. She blushed but I just kissed the tip of her nose. She blushed again and turned off the music.

            “Maybe I shouldn’t have come back so soon,” I smirked.

            “No, you should have come home sooner. I missed you,” she said giving me a fake pout.

            “I would have, but then I couldn’t have got you these,” I said as I gave her the flowers.

            “Aw Lou, they’re beautiful. Thank you,” she said. She gave me a kiss before going into the kitchen and putting the flowers in a vase.

            “It looks like today turned out okay,” Kira commented.

            “It seems that it did. Now let’s salvage the rest of the night and make today great,” I smiled. Kira nodded and smiled back.

            It was moments like these that made me grateful to have such an amazing person in my life.

AN: So I think this one shot was a little shorter, but I hope you enjoyed it! I thought it was cute to write! And it was about time I posted another one, so yeah.


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