Niall and Claire (My Best Friend)

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Claire’s POV

I watched Niall carefully. He had been acting strange all day. It’s like he’s nervous about something. The more I thought about it, the more confused I got. What would cause Niall to be so nervous? We had known each other our whole lives which was a long time, considering we were both currently 28 years old.

“Hey Niall,” I called. In a few moments I saw Niall appear in the doorway of our flat’s living room.

“Yeah?” he asked.

“Are you okay, you seem nervous about something?”

“Of course I’m fine babe. Why wouldn’t I be?” he asked. I just shrugged. I had not idea why he wouldn’t be.

“Okay,” I started, “but please come watch TV with me.”

“I can’t right now. I’m sorry, but I’m meeting up with Harry and Zayn,” Niall said.

“Really? We haven’t seen much of them lately. Go have fun,” I smile.

“Okay, I’ll be back soon. I love you,” Niall said as he put on his coat and old, worn sneakers.

“Love you too,” I said. With that Niall collected his set of keys and left.

Great. I was going to be alone for awhile. It might be a good time to finish up the housework. I sighed and turned the TV off. The room became dead silent until I got up and turned on the radio we had stationed in the kitchen.

I started my work by collecting the dirty dishes and putting them in the dishwasher. After that I put in a load of laundry. I then took the vacuum out the closet and vacuumed the flat.

Once all the chores we done I returned to the couch, collapsing on it. I hated housework, but I knew it was necessary. At least it was done for a little bit. I grabbed the TV remote and turned the TV back on. I changed the channel to the evening news.

Hearing my phone chime a few minutes later I saw that I got a text from Niall.

Hey babe. I’ve just left Zayn’s house. I’ll be home soon. Wait to eat though, I have a surprise. :)

I typed a quick response.

Okay. See you soon. :)

Usually if Niall tells me to wait to eat it means were going out to a restaurant. So it never really was a surprise, but I liked it when we went out. It reminded me of when Niall and I were younger and went out on dates all the time. Sadly those days were behind us, despite us still being only boyfriend and girlfriend.

I was still watching the news when I heard the door open and Niall walk in.

“Hey,” I greet him.

“Hi beautiful,” he says smiling. He doesn’t seem to be acting weird anymore. Now he’s back to his adorable and confident self.

“So, you have a surprise,” I trail off.

“Yeah, let’s go,” he says taking my hand.

“Just like this?” I question.


“Okay, but you better not be taking me to McDonald’s mister,” I warn.

“Don’t worry; I can assure that we’re going somewhere much better than McDonald’s.”

I nod and follow Niall to our car. We drive through London in silence. The soft noise of the radio was all we needed to occupy ourselves.

“You twenty-somethings may remember this next song. It’s What Makes You Beautiful by One Direction,” the radio announcer said.

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