Niall and Paisley

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AN: Hey everybody! I can't believe it! I haven't done a one shot in over a month! I wasn't planning on doing one, but when Paisley posted on my message board and asked me to do one I couldn't say no! So I hope you guys like it!

Paisley’s POV

            Today was the day of the charity dinner/adoption event for London’s foster care system. It was held once a year; always in December. And this year I had been the act selected to perform at the event. All I had to do was play piano in the background the whole time, but I considered it an honor that they had chose me out of all the other acts in London. At the moment it was about 4:30pm and I was about to head out to the event.

            “Bye mum!” I called before leaving the flat. I stepped into the lift and pressed the lobby button. I looked down at my outfit and uncomfortably smoothed out the invisible wrinkles. I was wearing a dress (with tights) in the dead of winter and I hated it. I’d much rather be in jeans and a hoodie with my favorite pair of Vans, but this was a formal dinner sadly. I stepped out of the lift and walked the short distance to the adoption offices where the dinner was being held. I was thankful the snow had let up so I wasn’t a mess when I arrived. As I entered the building I was greeted by an official looking women with a clipboard.

            “Are you the piano player?” She asked. I nodded.

            “Follow me.” She led my through the dinning area up to the stage where the piano was.

            “The dinner starts at 5:30 and the guests will start arriving at 5:00. You’re expected to start playing the selections promptly at 5:00. Keep playing until someone like me tells you to stop. And don’t draw to much attention to yourself. I’m assuming you understand, right?” She said briskly.

            “I understand.”

            “Good. You have a half hour to do whatever you need to prepare. Good luck.” She smiled at me for the first time.

            “Thank you.” I smiled back at her. She nodded and quickly turned to other business. I let out a breath and removed my coat, sticking behind the piano and out of sight. I sat down on the piano bench and softly ran my hands over the keys. Yep. I definitely loved the piano. I also played guitar, but the piano is special. I played a few quick and simple songs before looking through the ones I had to play for the event. I smirked at how easy they were. When 5:00 hit I started from the beginning and watched the guests slowly filter in, walking through the tables looking for their name. I assumed most of the people were high in society because of their posh attitude. Usually I cringed at such sophisticated people. I mean, what was the fun in being civilized? But since they were here for a good cause I guess they weren’t so bad. I continued to play, not paying attention to the guests anymore.

            The clock in the back of the room told me it was 5:31. All the tables were full except one in the back of the room where six empty seats remained. I shook my head at the lateness of the people. I know it’s only 5:31, but I’ve never accepted lateness. Just then the six missing people entered the room silently and sat down. Five of them looked young. About my age which was 16. The sixth looked older. Middle aged I guess. The five younger ones looked very familiar for some reason. I shrugged it off and went back to focusing on the music.

            It was around 6:30 when the women can back and said I could have a half an hour break. I realized I didn’t even know the women’s name, but nevertheless I thanked her and stepped off the stage. I walked sheepishly through the crowd of people who were now done with dinner and standing around the room mingling. I made it out of the room quickly and sat down on a couch right outside the door. Not sure what to do I pulled out my phone to pass time.

Niall’s POV

            As much as I supported London’s foster care system I was extremely bored at the dinner. It was way too formal and I guess you could say posh. It was even worse that the lads had left me to go converse with others they somehow knew. Even Paul had got dragged into a conversation with someone. I sighed and slowly walked out of the room. If I remembered correctly there was some seating outside the room. When I got there I saw that I was right. All the spots were taken except for a seat on the couch next to a young looking girl with curly brown hair.

            “Mind if I sit here?” I asked her.

            “Go ahead.” She said quietly and went back to her phone. I quickly took a seat next to her. Gosh, she was pretty. I wanted to say something, but I didn’t know what to say.

            “Staring at me won’t get you anywhere pretty boy.” She smirked.

            “Oh, sorry.” I blushed.

            “It’s okay, I was just kidding.” She said.

            “Oh, so if you were kidding then staring at you will get me somewhere.” I responded.

            “Yeah, it will get you in a jail cell.” She giggled.

            “Well that’s a little extreme…” I trailed off.

            “Paisley.” She finished for me.

            “Paisley, that’s a nice name. I’m Niall by the way.”

            “Thanks, and I already know who you are.”

            “Doesn’t everyone.” I said acting offended.

            “Yeah, probably.” We drifted into silence.

            “Was that you playing the piano?” I asked.

            “Yeah that was me. It gets a little boring to be honest.”

            “You’re really good.” I complimented her.

            “Thanks.” She said and a lady came up to us.

            “Breaks over Paisley.” She said. Paisley nodded and got up to follow her, but I stopped her. I didn’t want Paisley to leave me. I had just met her, but I wanted to keep talking to her. I wanted to know everything about her.

            “Hey, um Paisley, do you maybe want to hang out sometime?” I stuttered.

            “If hang out secretly means a date, then yes.” She smiled.

            “Really? I mean that’s great!” I said and quickly typed my number into her phone. She also typed her number into my phone.

            “See you soon.” She smiled. I smiled back and before I could control myself I gave her a quick peck on the lips.

            “Bye.” I whispered.

Paisley’s POV

            I walked back into the event room with a huge smile on my face. I had just met Niall Horan. And not the celebrity version, I guess you could call it, but the real version. Not to forget he had kissed me. I have to admit that it was a little sudden, but it was the most enjoyable kiss ever. I put my phone back in my pocket and began to play again. And he liked me! He actually like, liked me! Gosh, stop your gushing Paisley! My mind was in complete fangirl mode, but come on, it was Niall. And no matter what happened this is defiantly the best day ever. And I owe it all to music.

  AN: So, there you guys have it! Another one shot! Wasn't Niall cute? He couldn't control himself, aww :) So yeah, I hoped you guys liked it! Please comment, vote, and fan if you did!

Xx Lily

PS The song on the side is totally random, but I just heard for the first time today and I love it so I just had to! The picture is the closest to what I imagine Paisley's dress would look like minus the jewelry. :)         

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