Harry and Ellie

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AN: Well hello everyone! I haven't done a one shot in a while, have I? But I got motivated by EllieJaneLennie when she Kiked me and asked me if I was going to write anymore because she liked them. I honestly was flattered by that and asked her if she wanted one! And now here it is! I hope you like it! 

Ellie’s POV

            Here we go. Another day of school. Only one more year until I’m free as a bird. Then I can go to a university that specializes in performing arts; my dream career field. Ever since I was a little girl I had wanted to be a singer or a dancer or maybe even an actress. That’s also why I took as many performing arts classes as possible. This term my first class was drama. Now all I had to do was get off this stupid bus. I twirled my blonde hair between my fingers impatiently and breathed on the window. A foggy circle appeared and I started drawing music notes until the circle was completely gone and a single drop of water slide downward. That was probably the only advantage to winter. I sighed and doodled for the rest of the bus ride.


            Finally, I thought to myself when I saw the teacher enter the class room. What kind of teacher comes to class late? Maybe I was just too eager. I looked around the room. Nobody else seemed to care that much. I turned back to the teacher who was now explaining what we were going to do today, but a certain gaze caught my attention. A boy across the room was staring me rather intently. I racked my brain trying to remember if I had ever seen him before, but I couldn’t. Curly brown hair. Green eyes… I think. Nope, I had no idea who he was. He must be new. Whatever. It’s not like I’m ever going to talk to him. Focus on the lesson Ellie.

 Harry’s POV

            Today was the day. My second first day of high school. I had decided that I would take a little time and finish high school since the lads and I were on a break. Simon had approved the idea and picked a school a little way outside ofLondon. I had gotten to pick most of my classes and Lou pushed me to take drama. I had been hesitant at first, but what do I have to lose? When I had gotten my schedule I saw drama was my first class. Fine with me. Get the embarrassment over first.

Now that I was actually here I didn’t want to be. I wanted to be back with the lads having fun and being the admittedly stupid teenagers we were. That is, until I saw her. A girl had just entered the room and sat down at a desk on the other side of the room. She seemed eager to get started and kept twirling her hair until it slipped out of her fingers. She was honestly very beautiful. Finally when the teacher entered the room the girl looked around the room. She eyes landed on mine. Shit. She saw me staring at her. I quickly turned away. I didn’t want to come off as some creepy stalker. Focus on the lesson Harry. She’s just a girl.

Ellie’s POV

            I was starting to get bored and it had barely been five minutes. The curly haired boy hadn’t looked at me again and I was relieved. A random kid staring at you? Creepy. Just then the teacher, I hadn’t caught her name, but who really cares, announced that we would be performing some scenes and we needed a partner. Oh crap. The one bad thing about taking drama was that none of my friends took it.

            I slowly stood up along with everyone else to make it look like I knew who my partner was. I stood back and let everyone else find someone. I guess I would just be with the other person who was alone. That’s when I felt someone tap my shoulder. I turned around be greeted by the curly haired boy.

            “Hi, I’m Harry,” He introduced himself.

            “Ellie,” I replied.

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