Harry and Kari (Finding Someone)

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AN: Hello everyone! This is a one shot about Kari and Harry's future. It's a bit earlier than the one I did for Niall and Claire. This happens a little while after the tour ends and Kari moves into Harry's flat. Enjoy!

Harry's POV

Today was a very exciting day. Kari was moving in with me. After the tour ended Kari told me she was going back to Ireland because she didn't have anywhere to stay in London. I quickly stepped in and asked her to move in with me. She was hesitant at first, but I finally convinced her.

"Harry, you suggested this idea, so don't just stand there. Help me," Kari interrupted my thoughts.

"Sorry, let's go get more boxes," I suggested.

"Okay. I think there's only a few more," Kari tells me. I'm happy about this because once all the boxes are in my flat, there's no going back to the truck and no more carrying them back up. We can just unpack and talk for the rest of the day.

When we get to the small moving truck I see there are only three boxes left. Kari takes one and I take the other two.

"Are you sure you can carry those?" Kari asked.

"Of course," I answered.

"If you're sure then I guess that's it." Kari smiled and shut the back of the truck. We went back up to the flat and were greeted by piles of boxes. It was starting to look overwhelming.

"So we have to unpack all of this now?"

"Come on Harry. There are only five boxes. You're minds exaggerating everything. We'll be done in a few hours," Kari said.

"If you say so," I trailed off.

"I do say so and I also say that we should start now," Kari said. She handed me a box and took one herself.

I took a pocket knife and cut the tape on the top of the box. I opened the box and old books and photos were revealed.

"Where do you want these?" I asked.

"Um, do have some room in your bookcase?" she asked and I nodded.

"Then put a few books there. I think the rest will just go in the closet then," she said. I followed her orders and put a few books in the bookcase. I tried my best to remember some of the books Kari had raved about so I kept the right books out of the closet.

Mixed in with the books were pictures in frames and a photo album. I let myself get distracted as I flipped through the album. I smiled at the cute pictures Kari had put in here. There were many baby pictures and pictures from here childhood. Kari had never really gone into detail about her childhood, but by the looks of it, it was pretty good.

There was one picture in particular that made me laugh out loud. Kari appeared to be about six. It was obviously her birthday because of the massive cake in front of her. The only thing wrongs with the picture was that half the frosting was smeared across Kari's face.

"What's so funny?" Kari asked as she came and sat down on the floor next to me. She saw what I was looking at and immediately blushed.

"That's not funny," she mumbled.

"Yes it is," I said, still smiling.

"Okay maybe it is, but I was a little kid. I got excited," she trailed off.

"Don't be embarrassed. It's cute." I gave her a reassuring peck on the cheek.

"Thanks. Now get back to work. I've already finished a box."

"Okay. Should the rest of the books go in the closet?"

Kari nodded and took the box from me. I watched her and she brought it to the bedroom closet and put it back on the shelf.

"Now, can I trust you to help me with my clothes or do I need to do that by myself?" she asked with a skeptical tone.

"You can trust me," I say seriously. I know it's going to be hard basically going through her clothes, but I truly wanted to help her as much as possible.

"Okay, let's do it," she said and I brought the box labeled clothes from the living room to the bedroom.

"I cleared as much room as possible," I said as we started.

"I see. Thank you Harry. I think we should both have plenty of room." Kari smiled. I smiled back and started hanging up clothes. When we came to the more um, intimate part of Kari's wardrobe I found myself biting my lip. I had to be respectful. Jokes were for another day.

When we finished unpacking all the clothes I let out a sigh of relief.

"I'm impressed. All that and no inappropriate jokes," Kari giggled.

"Why thank you. But to tell you the truth, it was really hard," I said wrapping my arms around her waist, bringing her closer to me.

"I could tell. But you made it and there's only one more box!" Kari exclaimed, unwrapping my arms. I sighed because she had broken our contact.

“Only one more box,” Kari repeated.

I found a sudden burst of energy and opened the box. There were shoes and accessories in it. Kari took the box from me and unpacked it in about five minutes.

"All done." She smiled. I engulfed her in a giant hug. We were officially living together now. I led Kari over to the couch where we sat and rested.

"Thank you again Harry, for letting me move in," Kari said.

"Hey, it's no problem. I'm not letting my ever so special girlfriend go back to Ireland. I'd never see you, but this way I get to see you everything single day," I responded.

"To be honest, I didn't want to go and live in Ireland again. London is where all my friends are. Oh and you're here too," she laughed.

"Hey, if I say my ever so special girlfriend then you should call me your ever so special boyfriend."

"Sorry," she giggled.

"Apology not accepted."

"Sorry my ever so special boyfriend."

"That's better," I said. After that we sat in silence for a few minutes. My arm was wrapped around Kari's waist and her head was rested on my shoulder. It was one of the few times in months that it felt like we were a proper couple. I liked this feeling. I hoped it would never end.

Then I felt Kari shift. She had moved her head so it was mere inches from mine.

"I love you Harry," she said quietly, looking into my eyes.

"I love you too." With that I leaned forward and kissed her sweetly. I have no idea how long we stayed like that, but it seemed like awhile.

But it was this moment that I knew I have found someone who would be in my life forever.

AN: Hi everyone! I hope you liked that little glimpse into Kari and Harry’s future. Eventually I’ll be doing more story things like this as I finish more books.

If you haven’t checked out Guitar Girl and Staying Innocent yet, then please do so!

Other than that, please vote, comment, and fan for more of these!

Stay beautiful,


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