Zayn and Krissy

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AN: Hey everyone! I'm back with my third one shot! This one is based on my second contest winner 1D_NiallNation (Aka Krissy) who is an amazing fan! She's so sweet and always takes the time to comment on my updates and takes the time to just talk to me! I also happen to love her book I Can Love You More This This! She guessed the song correctly which was Superhero by Cher Llyod! So this one shot is dedicated to her! I hope you all like it!

Zayn's POV

It was quite interesting, the fact management wanted us to go to a masquerade “just for some fun.” But it was a dance. One of us was destined to find a girl they liked. It made no since when management had always hinted at us to stay single. But that didn't really matter. I didn't really care if I went. I mean some girl would probably figure out that we were there and then tell all her friends. Girls would surround us the whole time, maybe even leave their dates. And I personally didn't want to deal with some over protective dude. But it's required so I guess it's time to party.

Krissy's POV

I groaned at my friend Lily. She had insisted on going to this dance thing in town tonight. I really didn't want to go. It would just remind me of the fact that I didn't have a boyfriend anymore. I mean, it had been awhile and I was over him now, but I felt a little bit lonely. But on the other hand, I think it was a masquerade ball. Who knows I might just find a handsome and mysterious stranger. I sighed and started to get ready knowing that I would get dragged there no matter what.

Zayn’s POV

Our limo pulled up in back of what I think was an expensive government building or community center. As we walked to where the dance was going on, I could here music being blasted from the speakers. I looked around at the lads. They all seemed excited and I had no idea why. It was a stupid dance.  And none of us could dance to save our lives. Security led us through a hall the circled back around to where all the other guests were arriving. We entered the room and Security was gone. Tonight we were normal guys. Well, we are normal guys all the time, but tonight it actually feels like we are. No interviews, no Security, and no screaming fans, hopefully. I guess there is a small bright side to this.

            “Let’s do this thing.” Harry said excitedly and ran off into the crowd. Liam and Louis followed, but Niall and I stayed planted in place.

            “What are you waiting for?” I asked Niall. I thought he was excited for this.

            “You, duh.”

            “Why are you waiting for me? Go have fun.”

            “Because I know you don’t want to be here and being here alone would make it worse.” Niall answered. I was shocked at how much he cared. Don’t get me wrong, Niall is a caring person, but he usually doesn’t care when there’s a party going on. I wanted Niall to stay, but I didn’t want to ruin his fun.

            “No Niall, go have fun, I’ll be fine.” I said pushing him away. He looked reluctant until he spotted a group of girls that caught his eye and ran off to talk to them. I slowly made my way farther into the room, pushing through the crowd, and finally sitting down at a table in a corner of the room. Yes, there is nothing more fun than watching other people have fun. Not.

Krissy’s POV

I entered the dance with Lily by my side. The whole ride here she had been fantasizing about meeting her Prince Charming. I just listened and responded to her with a short yes or no. I observed the room. Almost everyone was dancing and having a good time which I would probably not do either of. I never really danced that much since I wasn’t very good and not having fun, well, you know why. I brushed the invisible wrinkles out of my white and black polka dotted dress that flattered my thin figure. I also pulled my high pony tail tighter, running my through my curly brown hair. I had finished off my outfit with some black heels that made me go from about 5’6’’ to 5’8’’.  I turned to talk to Lily only to find she had already left me to go mingle with some boys. They looked familiar. Almost famous. They were extremely fit and had perfect hair. They looked like 4/5ths of One Direction. I chuckled at my own thought. Why would One Direction be at a masquerade ball? Simple. They wouldn’t. I heard the song change to “Superhero” by Cher Llyod. I made me feel more comfortable, hearing a song I liked by an artist I loved. I made my way into the crowd and spotted some tables in one of the corners. I went over to them, determined not to interrupt Lily’s fun or get sucked into dancing with a stranger. When I finally got there I saw all the seats were empty except one which was filled by guy who looked about 19. I decided to sit down next him. Hey, I didn’t want to be alone all night. He eyed me as a sat down.

            “Hey.” I said trying to spark a conversation.

            “Hey.” Is all he said.

            “So, why aren’t you having fun like everyone else?” I asked.

            “Why aren’t you?” He asked back.

            “Hey! I asked you first.” I exclaimed.

            “Not in the mood.” He shrugged.

            “Really? I feel the same way.” I nodded.

            “Ah, not a party girl now, are we?” He chuckled.

            “No, not really. Not a party boy now, are we?” I mimicked.

            “Usually, but not tonight. This hold idea is stupid.” He said bluntly.

            “How so?” I asked wanting to know more.

            “It’s a dance. And I can’t dance.” He admitted.

            “I can’t either.” I also admitted.

            “I’m Zayn by the way.” The stranger told me.

            “I’m Krissy.”

Zayn’s POV

Krissy seemed like a really nice girl. I would be lying if I said I didn’t have a crush on her. Every since we started talking I wanted to rip off her mask and see her beautiful face. We had been talking for hours and a slow song started to play. I asked her if she wanted to dance and she shook her head.

            “Come on. We don’t have to dance, we can, um, sway.” I convinced.

            “Fine.” She said following me to the dance floor. I put my hands on her waist and she wrapped her arms around my neck and we swayed back and forth. The dance was almost over and if I didn’t make a move soon I would lose my chance.

            “Um, Krissy, I know we only met a few hours ago, but I was wondering if, um, you would like to go out on a date sometime?” I asked shyly.

            “I would love to Zayn.” She replied and we both smiled. I moved my hands up to her face and lifted her mask and she did the same with mine. Her expression changed when she saw me. Oh, yeah, I was kinda part of a famous band named One Direction. I forgot to mention that.

            “Zayn, as in Zayn Malik?” She asked surprised. I just nodded and brought my lips to hers. The kiss lasted only a few seconds, but it was amazing. We pulled away and Krissy smiled. She was unfazed by the fact I was famous and I loved it. We talked more before the dance ended and we exchanged numbers. I found my way back to the limo where the boys were waiting.

            “So you actually had a good time?” Niall asked me.

            “Yep.” I said fingering the napkin with Krissy’s number on it as I remember probably the best kiss I will ever have.   

AN: So, I hoped everyone liked it! I'll try to still do one shots, but school's starting soon so I don't know who much time I'll have to write. :( Also, I just wanted to tell you guys I have a new story idea that I think you're really gonna like! I think it's pretty original too. Out of all the fan fics I've read I haven't found one with my idea so be on the lookout for that! Krissy's dress is on the side along with "Superhero." 

Xx Lily

PS. Yes, I did use my own name. But in my defense I couldn't come up with a good name. When in doubt use your own right! :)

One Direction One ShotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora