Liam and Mel

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AN: Hello everyone! I'm here with my first of many one shots! It is my first so bare with me, but I don't think it's too bad! It's based on Melanie12 who won my contest by guessing the song correctly! It was Wings by Little Mix. It's absolutely amazing so check out on the sidebar! I hope you guys like it, especially you Mel! <3

Xx Lily

Liam’s POV

“Hello Australia!” I exclaimed to the empty hotel room. I was extremely excited for the next two weeks. Why, you may ask. It was our vacation! After an intense month of tour promotions, recording for the album, and interviews we finally got to rest. And what better place to do it than in the land down under. At the moment the lads and I were in the hotel we would be staying at. And, of course, it was a five star hotel. Only the best for One Direction, or at least that’s what Simon wants. I guess I can’t really object to hotel right on the beach.

            “Liam hurry up mate! We’re going down to the beach!” Niall called through the door.

       “Coming!” I yelled and changed into my swim trunks. I opened the door to see four very impatient boys.

         “Sorry boys.” I apologized and we headed out to the beach. Whatever annoyance they had before was gone. We all ran out of the hotel, right for the water. Louis came up behind me and pushed me. I lost my balance and collapsed onto the sand. Right next to a girl.

Mel’s POV

            Ah, the first day of summer holiday. The first day of freedom. What better way to spend it than go relax on the beach. And that’s exactly what I was going to do. I had woken up around nine this morning to my radio. I got up fairly quickly and changed straight into my blue and white polka dot bikini with a blue cover up over it. Yes, blue was my favorite color. I ran a brush through my curly blonde hair. I wasn’t going to bother taking a shower since the sand and wind would get in my hair anyway. I packed my beach bag with all the essentials like sunscreen, sunglasses, a towel, my phone, and a good book. I locked up my apartment where I lived alone and walked over to the beach. It was still fairly early so I got settled in one of my favorite spots. I had just started to read my novel when I heard shouting behind me. I identified it just some rowdy boys so I returned my focus to my book. I heard there footsteps getting closer. Three boys ran past me into the water. I just rolled my eyes. That’s when something, or wait, someone collapsed right beside me. A fifth boy ran past him, laughing and joined the others. I held my book up a little higher to hide my own laughter. I looked at them again. They all looked familiar, but I couldn’t place my finger on it. That’s when I noticed the boy was staring at me.

            “Um, hi.” Was all I could muster to say. I wasn’t quite a wallflower, but I definitely wasn’t open with strangers.

            “Hi, um, sorry about that. My friend over there is a little immature. He pushed me.” The boy explained. He gave me an apologetic smile. Gosh, he was cute.

            “It’s okay, don’t worry about it.” I smiled back. It looked like he was about to say something else when a blonde haired boy pulled him away.

            “Liam, Harry’s drinking again.” He said in an Irish accent. Wait. I knew that accent. Liam. Harry. One Direction.

            “Okay I’ll be there in a minute.” He told Niall.

            “See you around.” He winked and they both ran off. I had just met One Direction. Well, kinda. I tried to carry on reading my book, but my eyes were locked on Liam. He was playing a competitive football with the other lads. Soon I realized it was getting late so I packed up my things, leaving a very cute boy behind. The wind blew a piece of paper against my naturally sun kissed skin. I picked it up and saw it was a flyer for a beach party tonight. I stuck it in my bag. I hadn’t been to a party in awhile. I might as well go.

Liam’s POV

            The girl had left the beach and I hadn’t even gotten her name. Stupid Harry and his drinking. She was all I could think about. How her blue eyes sparkled in the sun. How her curly blonde locks blew in the wind. How her naturally rosy cheeks became even rosier when I winked at her. Yep. This was definitely a case of the one that got away.

The boys had noticed my change in mood and insisted we go to a party on the beach being held tonight. I reluctantly agreed. This was vacation. I needed to have some fun.

            Music was blaring and people were dancing everywhere. Most of them were drunk including Harry and Louis. Niall and Zayn were on the verge, but I convinced them to stop. That was awhile ago and now I had no idea where any of them were. I walked through the crowd and nearly collided with someone.

            “Oh, I’m sorry.” I apologized. That’s when I saw it was the girl from the beach.

            “No, it’s okay. It was my fault.” She yelled over the music. We stood in silence for a moment.

            “I’m Liam, but I’m guessing you knew that.” I said.

            “As a matter of fact, I did. I’m Melanie, but everyone calls me Mel.” She explained. Mel. That was a beautiful name.

            “Well Mel, would you like to take a walk?” I asked. I was really hoping she would say yes.

            “Sure.” She replied. We started walking down the beach, away from the crowd. My hand brushed against hers a couple times before I finally took it in mine. We walked all the way to the end of the beach in a comfortable silence. We stopped and I turned to face her.

            “Mel, do you mind if, if I do something?” I asked quietly.

            “Do what?” She asked.

            “This.” I said bringing her closer and pressing my lips gently against hers. I almost expected her to pull away, but she kept her soft lips connected to mine. We both pulled away and smiled. I hadn’t let Mel get away after all. Going to Australia was defiantly the best decision we ever made.

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