CHAPTER 5:-Whispers in the Mist

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Krishna entered the house, and jumped to the couch of the living room. He snapped his fingers, where the maid with her big belly, came to the moment.

Yamuna , why are you still coming to work? Do take rest atleast now. You don't have to come from tomorrow!

Sir, please don't say such words. The young girl trembled. I , have no source of income if I leave.

I know.....,he paused for a minute..Well, have she had her dinner?, the young man pointed his eyes towards the room.

No, she is not feeling well sir. The doctor came and gave her some medicines. Just now, I gave her some porridge, but .....

Is she alone in the room?

No sir, sir is with.......

Ok, Ok !! Keep the dinner table ready. I will be back.

Krishna rushed to the stairs and barged to the room. Too dark...He switched on the lights and removed his socks. The young man fell so tired that his body fell to the bed reflexively.

Hmm.....he closed his eyes, and gave a deep sigh. Hmm, that girl is quite familiar....But why I couldn't recollect? He saw the image of the homely girl, who definitely seemed to speak words that didn't suit her..But, what just happened was...., his thoughts went into a visual flashback.

As the white man rushed to the scene, his heart pounded with urgency. There, amidst the chaos, lay a woman, with a dusky complexion, her skin exuding a soft radiance even in the dim light, her glasses askew upon her face. Despite her unconscious state, her features were striking, with eyes that held a depth of mystery and a strength that belied her vulnerability.

Without hesitation, he scooped her up into his arms, feeling a surge of protectiveness wash over him. With careful attention, he adjusted her dupatta, ensuring her comfort and dignity were preserved. With swift strides, he carried her to his car, laying her gently in the seat beside him.

As he sat behind the wheel, the woman beside him seemed to radiate an ethereal beauty that captivated him. Her features, each delicately crafted, held a story of their own. He couldn't help but be drawn to her, his gaze lingering on the curve of her lips, the arch of her brows, the gentle slope of her nose.

The warmth of her presence enveloped him, a feeling he hadn't experienced in a long time. With a tender touch, he adjusted her dupatta, ensuring her comfort without disturbing her rest. As he fastened her seatbelt, his fingers grazed her skin, sending a shiver down his spine.

Lost in the moment, he found himself studying her face intently, as if trying to memorize every detail. But the shrill ring of his phone shattered the tranquility, pulling him back to reality. With a sigh, he reluctantly tore his gaze away from her, answering the call with a sense of reluctance.

Tell me dad!

Why didnt you go to the hotel yet!

Seeing the girl beside him ,he didn't want to leave her in the state, and at the same time, saying the truth was also dangerous.

Dad, my friend fell unconscious and the people around called me....So, I am taking her to the hospital dad.

Which friend, "Jessi"?

No, dad....She is...., Hmm...the other one ...

What other one? You forgot your own friend's name?

Dad, I am in a hurry...My friend is unconscious... Let's talk some other time...

As the man ended the call with his father, a sense of urgency filled him, and he pressed down on the accelerator, the engine roaring to life. Glancing over at the woman beside him, he noticed her slowly coming to, her breaths shallow and labored.

"Are you okay?" he asked, his concern evident in his voice as he kept stealing glances at her. But her condition seemed to worsen. A fit of coughing wracked her body, causing her to double over in discomfort. Concern etched on his face, the man glanced at her repeatedly, his worry deepening with each passing moment.

"Are you okay?"
He asked once more, his voice laced with concern as he reached for a bottle of water. Gently lifting her cheeks and mouth, he offered her some water, his hands trembling slightly as he watched her swallow, a few drops spilling over her dress.

Instantly, he averted his gaze, a flush of embarrassment creeping up his neck at the intimate gesture. Clearing his throat, he focused on the road ahead, willing himself to ignore the proximity between them as they journeyed through the mist.

Despite the awkwardness of the moment, his determination to ensure Vrindha's safety remained unwavering. With each passing mile, he found himself growing more attached to the mysterious woman beside him, her vulnerability tugging at his heartstrings in a way he couldn't explain.

Despite her efforts to remain upright, the woman eventually succumbed to the motion of the car, falling to the side with her hair in disarray. With a gentle touch, he reached over, smoothing her hair back into place and helping her sit upright again, his attention momentarily captured by a scar near her eye.

As he continued to observe her, his eyes fell upon a bag in her hands. Opening it, he found a crimson red file along with her ID and a nearly empty wallet. His curiosity piqued, he glanced at her ID, discovering her name: Vrindha. A sweet name that seemed to linger on his lips.

Born in 2000, just a year younger than him, he couldn't help but marvel at the strange twist of fate that had brought them together. Checking her pulse, he reassured himself that she seemed fine, likely just suffering from hypoxemia due to the fall.

Deciding to seek advice, he called Jessi, his voice tinged with urgency. "Hey, what if a girl, running so badly in the winter, fell down?" he asked, concern evident in his tone.

Jessi's response was quick but reassuring. "She's probably fine, just hypoxemia and hypothermia. Keep an eye on her, but she should be okay."

With a sense of relief, he ended the call, his attention now focused on the address listed on Vrindha's ID. Entering it into Google Maps, he prepared to navigate through the thick fog that surrounded them, determined to get her to safety. As the traffic light turned green, he accelerated into the haze, unsure of what lay ahead but determined to see Vrindha safely home.


As the car rushed toward Vrindha's address, the man's mind raced with worry. Arriving at the gates of the house, he hesitated, acutely aware of the disparity between his own presence and the humble surroundings. Nevertheless, he stepped out of the car and hurried to open the door for Vrindha, his concern for her overriding any discomfort he felt.

Pressing the calling bell, he waited anxiously until a gray-haired man appeared at the gate, his expression a mix of confusion and concern.

"Who are you?" the man demanded, his voice tinged with panic.

"You might know me," the man replied, his own voice steady despite the urgency of the situation. "But the girl of this house, Vrindha, fell unconscious in the road."

The mention of Vrindha's name sent a ripple of alarm through the old man's features. "Vrindha... Where is she?"

Pointing toward the car, the man found himself surrounded by curious onlookers from the street. Sensing the urgency of the situation, the old man called for his second son to help lift Vrindha from the car, the weight of her unconscious form a stark reminder of her vulnerability.

Once inside the house, Vrindha was laid gently on the couch in the living room, her pale face a stark contrast to the warmth of the surroundings.

Turning to the man, the old man's voice trembled with concern. "Where did you find her?"

"Near Mount Road," the man replied, his words tinged with regret as he recalled Vrindha's mention of eloping with someone. "She told me she was going to elope with someone..."

The old man's anger flared at the revelation, his wrinkles deepening with frustration. The young man, realizing the gravity of his unintentional blunder, took a step back, his heart heavy with remorse as he left the house, the weight of his actions hanging heavy in the air.

Guys, I am back after a long time... What is your opinion regarding this part! All your comments are welcome:)

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