CHAPTER 7:- Cost of Loyalty- Death?

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 In the dimly lit office, Vrindha stands before her boss, her heart pounding with fear as she faces his piercing gaze.The air is heavy with tension as he confronts her, his voice sharp and unforgiving.

They are in a small, windowless room, illuminated only by the harsh glare of overhead lights. The walls are bare, painted a dull grey that seems to suck the warmth from the room. The furniture is sparse and utilitarian, with a plain wooden desk dominating the space. A single chair sits opposite the desk , where Vrindha nervously perches, her hands clenched tightly in her lap.

Her boss's voice filled the room with venom as he roars at her, his anger palpable, "Who do you think you are, taking matters into your own hands?" he demands, his eyes flashing with fury. " What gave you the right to kill Robin?"

Vrindha's stomach drops as she braces herself to explain her actions.


she begins , her voice trembling slightly.

"Robin was a black sheep.I saw him coming out of Rajkumar's office with a bag of money. When I investigated further , I discovered that he was selling our organization's plans and secrets."

Her boss face darkens as he absorbs her words. "Is that so?", he growls , his voice low and dangerous. "And you thought you could just take matters into your own hands and deal with him yourself?"

Vrindha nods, her resolve firm. "Yes sir", she replies, her voice steady. "I couldn't let him betray us like that". I had to take action to protect the organization."

Her boss's expression softens slightly , though the fury still simmers beneath the surface. "You may have good intentions", he concedes, his tone begruding. "But what about the crimson red file I gave to Robin? Vrindha , you clearly know that it has secrets that could destroy us if they fell into the wrong hands."

Vrindha's heart sinks as she realizes the full extent of her mistake. "I'm sorry sir," she whispers, her voice barely audible, "I ....I lost it."

Her boss's eyes narrow in disbelief, his fury reigniting with renewed intensity. "You lost it?" he repeats, his voice dripping with scorn. "You worthless piece of trash. You had one job, and you couldn't even do that properly. You are a disgrace to this organization.

Vrindha bows her head in shame, her cheeks burning with humiliation. She knows she has failed her boss and her colleagues, and she knows there will be consequences for her actions. But even as she faces his wrath, she remains resolute in her loyalty to the organization, determined to make amends for her mistakes, no matter the cost.

As her boss's rage escalates, he reaches out and grabs a handful of Vrindha's hair, yanking her head back with a vicious force. "You sure have guts to still remain stiff before me after your incompetence? he hisses, his grip tightening with each word.

Sir.....This organization doesn't belong to any single individual, she continued, her voice echoing with the weight of thousands of lives. "It's made of the blood and sweat of countless individuals who have dedicated their lives to safeguarding millions. I would never be the reason for it's downfall. My life is yours and I will do whatever it takes to protect it."

With those words, Vrindha reached for her razor on the desk, her hands trembling but determined. Her fingers closed around the cold metal with a steely determination. Pressing it against her neck, she meets her boss's gaze with a fiery intensity, her resolve unyielding even in the face of death.

"This life is yours," she says softly, her voice barely a whisper. "And you can take it if you must. But know this- I will never betray the organization, no matter the cost.

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