Chapter Three

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The Next Day,
"Woohoo!" Ashlyn screamed happily as she rode her bicycle past her mom.

"Don't rejoice so soon, young lady." Alisha said as she rode past Ashlyn.

Alisha and her daughter, Ashlyn were having a bicycle race in the park. Mother versus daughter and it was really fun.

After the whole race, Ashlyn won. Feeling exhausted, they both rested in the grass, panting heavily, but feeling happy.

"Ooh! That was one heck of a ride." Alisha said catching her breath.

"Yeah!" Ashlyn agreed.

"C'mon, let's go have some picnic under that big tree." Alisha suggested as she pointed to the tree in the park.

The park was full with people all over. Some were there with their kids and some were there with their husbands and wives, other's were there alone, some with friends, etc.

Alisha and Ashlyn sat on the blanket Alisha had laid and took their picnic basket.

When they started eating, Ashlyn smiled. Alisha noticed it and asked, "You look so happy! Care to share?"

"I just love the fact that we're doing this... again. Just like how we used to. Even though.... even though we're still apart?" A sad smile appeared on Ashlyn's face.

"Sweetie, we can't let our past ruin our future? Even though your dad and sister aren't here with us, we still have the right to be happy."

"So Mama, do you....miss them? I mean, Papa and big sis?"

"I miss them every single day, sweetheart."

"Do you long for a reunion?"

Alisha was speechless. "Let's continue our picnic, okay?"

After picnic, mother and daughter took a walk, with their bicycles, although not riding it, back home. On their way, they talked about very funny things and some happy past events. Then, they talked about Alisha's work, as a fashion designer and then Ashlyn's education.

They got home and put the bicycles in the garage. Then, they made their way to the living room. It was minutes left till noon.

San Francisco,
Adelle was at where she worked, Heather's. Heather's was a small restaurant that had opened in town and that was where Adelle was working. She started working there a couple of months ago, as a waitress.

Adelle was talking to one of her co-workers, Liza who worked at the counter.

"I saw your post last night? Who's party was that?" Liza asked.

"A friend's. I didn't wanna disappoint her cos she really wanted me to go."

"It was fun, Liza." Wyn added coming out of the kitchen.

"You went too?" Liza asked looking surprised.

"Of course!"

"Gee! You guys are really lucky to have parents who let you go anywhere." Liza said making Adelle and Wyn to exchange glances.

"Uh...Liza, I think there are some rubbish that I need to take out. I'll catch later." Adelle excused herself.

Wyn smiled and attended to a table.

Aiden was in the study room making out some designs for the upcoming launch when he heard a knock on the door. "Come in." He said and entered, was a young woman dressed in a blue halter dress a bit below the knees. Her name was Wilma Blurr.

 Her name was Wilma Blurr

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"Aiden, hello." Wilma smiled.

"Wilma? What a surprise? When did you come?" Aiden looked really surprised.

"Last night." Wilma sighed. "The trip was one heck of a trip."

"So, I'm looking at the soon-to-be Mrs Jonathon?" Aiden teased.

"Aiden, stop that. Even if I get married, I'm still gonna be close to you and Adelle. You know I love you both so much." Wilma smiled.

"So, how was it meeting his family?" Aiden asked putting all the papers aside.

Wilma thought. "Well, they were cool, friendly but a bit loud, you know. I bet I'm lucky to fall in that family."

"Now look at her all blushing over." Aiden smiled. "Have you picked a date and an event for the wedding?"

"Not yet but surely. Brandon wants to get everything set, first. By the way, enough talking about me. How have you been?"

"The best as I can be. I mean, I'm still me!" Aiden joked.

"As I can see. Where is Adelle?"

"As usual. At her work place."

"I saw her post yesterday at the party. Whose party was that?" Wilma asked.

"Party? Adelle didn't go to any party!"

"Are you sure? She made a post last night and she was at a party. You can check it out in her Insta page."

Aiden got enveloped in his own thoughts. "Hey, why that face? You know, we need to celebrate my last few weeks as a spinster, you know."

"Why calling yourself a spinster? You're only 28 not like a 50 year-old who has never been married."

Wilma and Aiden exchanged smiles.

Adelle was attending to a table when she saw Skylar and a group of friends from school walk in. They made themselves comfortable in the seats near the window.

After serving the table their orders, she went to them. "Guys, what are you doing here?"

"Hi, girlfriend!" Skylar waved.

"Hi! What can I do for you?" Adelle faked a smile.

"Is this how you treat your customers, Adelle?" Sammi, one of them asked.

"Never mind, do you guys have chocolate milkshake?" Sammi asked.

"Of course, we do. We have everything." Adelle said.

"So you have boys?" Nikita, another asked.

Adelle smirked. "No!"

"Hey guys!" Wyn approached them and wrapped his arms around Adelle.

"Ooh! Are you guys a thing?" Skylar asked.

"A thing?" Wyn looked at Adelle. "Not yet." He replied with a sharp smile.

"Okay, now we're here to discuss school! Adelle and Wyn, you can sit!" Skylar said. Adelle and Wyn sat down.

"Tomorrow is the resumption of school from the spring break. School is back on!" Skylar announced.

"Of course, we know that! And things aren't gonna change. It will still be the same." Adelle said.

"Still be the same? What are you nuts?" Sammi asked.

"Guys, we can discuss this on WhatsApp. I currently have work to do and if my boss finds out I'm here, I'm toast!" Adelle said getting up.

"Okay, workaholic! But, I'm having a party tonight. I'll send you the venue." Nikita said.

"Sorry, but I can't make it." Adelle left them and continued with her job.

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