Chapter Eight

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Ashlyn and Alyssa were done cleaning the house. They were in the kitchen preparing lunch so they could eat. Then, a song started playing; Perfect by Ed Sheeran. Ashlyn took the wooden ladle and made it a mic. Alyssa took the spatula as her mic.

As the song continued to play, Ashlyn and Alyssa began to sing along passionately, using their makeshift microphones to belt out the lyrics. They danced around the kitchen, occasionally pausing to flip a pancake, but mostly lost in the moment of the music.

Breathless from their energetic performance, Ashlyn grinned at Alyssa. "That was amazing! Who needs a stage when we've got our kitchen?" They both burst into laughter.

Alyssa laughed, wiping flour from her cheek. "Right? We should try a kitchen karaoke tradition."

"Absolutely! Bet Mama will be happy to hear this!"

San Francisco,
Adelle was in the kitchen making lunch when her phone rang. She glanced at the phone as it rang, recognizing the number. With a curious smile, she answered, balancing the phone between her ear and shoulder, as she continued chopping vegetables.

"Hey, what's up?"

On the other end of the line, Wyn sounded excited. "Hey, Adelle! Great news. Guess what? I just got tickets to that concert we've been wanting to go to! Are you in?"

Adelle's eyes lit up with excitement, momentarily forgetting about the vegetables. "No way! That's awesome! Count me in! When is it?"

"It's tonight! I'll swing by and pick you up at 6! We're gonna have a blast!"

"Wait, tonight?....Wyn, I'm sorry but I don't think I can go tonight. My Daddy's not feeling quite well. I gotta watch him!"

"Oh, I'm so sorry! So...I gotta go alone?"

"Hey, you can go with your sister, Agatha. That way, you won't be lonely. ...But hey, make sure to send me photos!"

Beverly Hills,
Alisha was in the restaurant for her company sipping coffee while looking through some designs. Just then, someone pushed her from behind making her coffee spill on her.

"What the?" She got up. Her team members also got up.

She turned and saw Denise sipping her coffee. "Denise! What did you do that for?"

"What?" Denise asked calmly. "Is anything wrong, Alisha?"

"Why did you push me? You made me spill my coffee!"

"Alisha, what proof do you have that I did that? Huh? You think I have time for you? Woman, I wasn't born for you. I don't have that time to waste it on you! Excuse me!" Denise rolled her eyes and went to sit down.

Alisha's group members came to her. "Alisha, are you okay?" Peterson asked.

"I need to go to the washroom!" Alisha excused herself.

Alisha went to the washroom and locked the door. She took a tissue paper and tried wiping the coffee off her dress. "Oh gosh!" She cried.

Back at the office,
Alisha looked on her laptop. After looking closely through, she sent the designs to their boss, Angelino. Then, she took the telephone in her office and dialed Angelino's secretary line.

"Hello, Daphne! Yeah, I sent the digital designs to Sir Angelino. Please do inform him about it. ....Yeah, thank you!"

Denise looked on and clenched her fists. "Spotlight thief! I'll make sure you get sacked out of this company! Just wait and watch!"

That day after work,
It was past 10. Alisha was now done with the work of the day. She got up and stretched. Looking on, she saw Denise sleeping. She shook her head and smiled.

"Alisha? You're still here?" Angelino was a bit surprised to see Alisha still in the office.

"Um...I was...I just finished with what I was doing." Alisha smiled.

"I believe... you're done?" Alisha nodded. "You're going home, right? Let me drop you!"

Denise stirred up from hr sleep. She saw Angelino talking to Alisha and squinted her eyes. "What are they saying?" She whispered to herself.

"Oh, Sir! Don't worry, I'll get a taxi!" Alisha said.

"I don't think you know this place accurately! Taxis are hard to find around this time and, this is a private street, so.... let me drop you!"

Alisha thought for a few seconds and agreed. Angelino gestured her to lead the way. Alisha smiled and then took the lead.

Denise looked on as Angelino and Alisha left the office. She looked shocked but then smirked. "Oh! So, he's going to drop her off? Interesting!"

The first few minutes of the drive was in silence. Alisha looked out the window while Angelino was driving, but he kept on stealing glances at her.

"So, many years have you been here, in Beverly Hills?" Angelino asked drawing Alisha's attention to the car.

"Uh...I came here when my daughter was little." Alisha smiled.

"Oh,so you have a daughter?" Angelino asked, sounding surprised.

"Yes! Her name is Ashlyn! She's only 14 but she acts and takes up responsibilities like an adult. I feel really lucky to have her." Alisha reminisced, looking into space.

"Interesting! So lovely to hear that. You're one proud mom, aren't you? Well, I also have a child, a daughter, but she lives in Texas with my mom."

"Texas? Why there? Why isn't she with you here? Where's your wife?"

"My wife? We got divorced a few months after my daughter's birth! She was a whole lot of something."

Alisha nodded. "Okay?"

Just then, the car halted. It was moving again. Angelino got out to go see what the fault was. Alisha also got out of the car.

"Sir, is something wrong?" Alisha asked, with concern etched across her face.

"The car just had a breakdown. Damn it! Wait here as I call my driver.


Angelino took his phone from the car and dialed his driver's number. It went through but no one answered. He tried severally but no one answered.

"Oh no! He's not picking up!"

"What? Oh my gosh! What do we do, now? This road is very quiet!" Alisha rubbed her temple.

"Don't panic. I'll figure something out." Angelino went to Alisha and held her hand.

San Francisco,
Aiden was sleeping when all of a sudden, he woke up and sat straight. He felt kinda weird in a way.

Beverly Hills,
"Let me try and call my driver, again, okay? Please sit in the car."

Denise walked to and fro in her office, with a huge smirk on her face. "Well, well, well! Seems I've got a new twist coming up!"

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