Chapter Eleven

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Ashlyn was returning some books to the library down the street when she bumped into a blonde girl, her age.

"Hey, watch where you are going." The blonde girl said angrily, brushing the strands of hair from her face.

"Sorry." Ashlyn looked at the girl. For a minute there, she felt an urge to ask her her name. "Um... I'm Ashlyn," Ashlyn extended her hand.

The blonde girl narrowed her brows as she looked at Ashlyn's hand and then, her face. After hesitating, the girl rolled her eyes and shook Ashlyn's hand. "April!"

Ashlyn smiled. "Nice to meet you, April. Do you... live in this neighborhood?"

April tucked her hair behind her ear. "House number 22!"

"Wow," Ashlyn gasped. "I live next door. House number 23."

A smile tugged at the corners of April's lips. "Nice! So... we're neighbors?"

Ashlyn did the eyebrow flash. "Where are you headed?"

"I... I don't have any specific location. It's been like a week since my mom and I moved here so I don't know any where."

" your mom, miss Brie?" Ashlyn asked with her brows raised.

"Yeah. ... Where are you headed?"

"Oh, I'm only returning some books to the library down the street."

"Can I... join you?"

"Of course! Let's go."

Alyssa sat on her bed looking really worried. She took her phone and headed to Contacts but put the phone back down after hesitating.

She knew she needed to visit the doctor to find out what was wrong with her, because, it was something she didn't understand. Such a thing had never happened to her before.

"Now, my only problem is to find a way to get an appointment with the doctor."

At the library,
"Hello, miss Gregory!" Ashlyn waved as she approached the librarian desk.

"Oh, Ashlyn! Welcome." Miss Gregory smiled in return.

"I came to return the books, miss Gregory. I've finished them all. They are really amazing stories." Ashlyn put the books on the desk.

Miss Gregory took off her glasses. "Thank you! By the way, who's your new friend?" Miss Gregory asked, gesturing towards April.

"Oh! Miss Gregory, this is April. April, this is miss Gregory, the librarian of this library."

"Hello." April waved with a smile.

"Hello. You look so beautiful, dear." Miss Gregory said.

"Oh, thank you." April smiled in return.

"I hope you also love books like Ashlyn?" Miss Gregory asked, looking really excited.

"Uh... um... I'd love to try." April laughed shortly.


April looked at Ashlyn who had a big smile on her face.

"Ashlyn?" Miss Gregory called.


"Debbie wants me to tell you she greets you. She says she misses you a lot!"

"Aw, I miss her too. I really wish she'll come here from Minnesota."

"That's what I suggested but she says she wants to stay with her father. She's so happy."

Those words of miss Gregory hit April hard, making her facial expression to change. She saw Ashlyn looking at her and quickly replaced it with a smile.

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