Chapter Sixteen

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After homeroom class was over, students dispersed to their respective classes, buzzing with excitement about the upcoming game. The hallways echoed with chatter as friends discussed plans to attend the game together and strategies to cheer on their own team.

Standing by their lockers, Ashlyn, April and Jeanna looked at the students, filled with energy about the upcoming game.

"Just look at how everyone is excited about the game." Ashlyn put some books into her locker and took some books out of the locker.

"Can't wait till Friday." April rubbed her palms together.

"Will you... be coming, Ashlyn?" Jeanna asked looking at Ashlyn.

Ashlyn shrugged. "I don't know. I'll have to ask Mama about it." Ashlyn rubbed her temple, lost in her thoughts. "Um... I have ELA class to attend. See you two later."

Ashlyn smiled and departed from the two. She went to the English Language Art class.

Aiden looked at the designs before him and glanced at his colleagues who had contributed to them.

"These designs look fantastic, everyone." Aiden said, nodding. "I'm impressed by the creativity and attention to detail."

"Thanks, Aiden!" Said Sarah. "I really wanted to capture modern aesthetic while maintaining functionality."

"Yeah, and I focused on incorporating user feedback to ensure a seamless experience." Mark said.

"That's great to hear," Aiden nodded listening to them. "Collaboration like this really brings out the best in our work. I think we've got some good contenders here."

"Definitely!" Jessica laughed. "I love how each design offers something different. It's going to be tough to choose."

"Agreed." Aiden stepped in. "Let's take our time to review them all closely before we make a decision. We want to make sure we're choosing the designs that best meets our goals."

"Sounds good. I'll make some final adjustments to mind based on your feedback, and then we can reconvene to make a decision." Sarah said with a smile.

"Perfect. Thanks, everyone for your hard work and time on this. I'm sure we'll come up with something great together."

Adelle was heading to her locker when she heard some girls talking about their mothers. It's what they had discussed earlier in the homeroom class, but she didn't participate in it. As she was going, one of the girls, Meghan, called her.

"Hey, Adelle! Why were you quiet about your mother during the discussion? Don't you... have one?" Meghan and her girls started laughing at Adelle.

As Adelle tried to walk away, Meghan blocked her path, her eyes blazing with hostility.

"What's your problem, Adelle? To scared to talk about your mother like the rest of us?" Meghan acted like a child.

Adelle's jaw tightened, her patience wearing thin as she tried to sidestep Meghan and continue on her way.

"I don't want to talk about it, Meghan. Just leave me alone."

But Meghan wasn't about to back down. With a wicked smile, she lunged forward.

"Oh, why?"

Adelle rolled her eyes and looked at Meghan. "I said leave me alone."

"Did your... mother run out on you? Maybe, due to her cheap bitch whore life?"

Out of anger, Adelle slapped Meghan, sounding in the hallway, drawing everyone's attention.

"Don't you dare talk about my mom like that. She isn't a whore m, neither is she a bitch, not cheap. She isn't like you." Adelle pointed her index finger to Meghan while talking, her voice shaky as tears welled up her eyes.

"What did you say? Don't compare me to your mother, you slut!"

Adelle wiped the tears that threatened to fall and tried to walk away but Meghan held her hand, tightly.

"You think you can just walk away from me? You're nothing, Adelle! Nothing! Just like your useless mother."

"Ah!" With a cry of indignation, Adelle pushed Meghan away with all her strength.

Meghan fell down hard, due to the push. "Ouch!"

Adelle rushed to Meghan and pounced on her on the floor, pulling her hair mercilessly.

"Let go! You're hurting me! Ahh! Let me go! Ahh! Ah! Mommy!"

"Hey, Adelle! Hey!" Wyn was passing by when he saw Adelle on Meghan.

He rushed to them and tried pulling Adelle away from Meghan.

"Let me go! You've not seen anything yet, Meghan!" Adelle struggled to break free from Wyn's tight grip.

"You'll pay for this!" Meghan cried.

"What is going on here?" A female teacher asked upon sighting the incident.

"Why was the need to fight your mate?" Aiden asked, his voice a bit up, with his hands on his waist.

Aiden and Adelle had gotten home. Adelle had been given a one-week suspension for attacking a fellow student.

"Are you actually asking me that question, Daddy? I was only defending my mother." Adelle cried in between her words, sobbing now and then.


"You think I'd stand idle and watch someone talk trash about my mother? No! Meghan called Mom a whore! She called Mom a bitch and you think I'll stand idle for her to talk trash about my mother?... Fine! Fine! I don't know why we ever got separated but doesn't give anyone the chance to say what they want about my mother!"

Adelle run to her room, still crying, and closed her bedroom door with a bang.

Aiden run his hands in his hair and looked at the direction of Adelle's bedroom. Tears welled up in his eyes as well, not realizing when that even happened.

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