Chapter Seventeen

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Colette sat beside her father on the massive four poster bed. He was turned on his side as not to disturb the fresh linen wrapping around his back and waist. His breathing was ragged but better, even though his fever still burned. The healer- a woman from a town over came and went immediately to work, cleaning and removing any infected areas of the wound. Colette had sat and watched her work quietly. The whole time her father groaned in misery. He called out for her mother in his fevered daze a few times and Colette nearly lost it all again, for the third time today. The healer seemed hopeful when she left. She didn't linger afterwards or mention at all if she was aware of the beast that lurked in this castle. She only nodded and motioned a few things to Niel- the butler before taking off. Colette began to wonder if he spoke at all.

Night rolled through and dinner was served to them in her fathers bed chamber. Colette was nearly asleep in a deep, plush chair, a random book she found on a shelf nestled in her lap when Beatrice- the maid, strode in.

Colette yawned, stretching her arms above her head. She still wore her cloak even though a fire blistered away in the hearth across from her. She couldn't shake the cold feeling that settled into her bones when she stepped into the castle.

"I don't need a room of my own. I will stay here with my father." Colette didn't want to leave him alone. She was afraid he would slip into a long dark sleep.

Beatrice glanced at her sleeping father and grimaced. She seemed to disapprove of that request.

"I will not leave him," Colette said firmly.

Beatrice sighed heavily and went to the desk across the room. She pulled open a draw and removed a sheet of parchment and a quill and bottle of ink. She dipped the quil into the small vat and scribbled something down.

She beckoned Colette over to read what she had written.

Not safe.

Colette gave  her a quizzical look. Not talking seemed to be a normal attribute in this castle. She wondered if the Beast- man commanded them not to talk to strangers. "Why is it not safe for me but safe for him to reside in this room?"

Beatrice frowned and scribbled another line. Her penmanship was scratchy but legible.

Not safe for him. Not safe for you.

Colette put her hands on her hips and shook her head in disbelief. "I don't understand."

Beatrice's frown deepened  further. She threw a quick glance over her shoulder at the door as if she thought they were being watched. Colette studied the door but didn't hear anything. She tapped her foot insistently.

Beatrice scribbled some more pushing the parchment toward her.

He roams at night. Not safe for anyone.

Colette realized she meant the beast-man. Dread settled into her chest. What kind of danger did he pose at night? Was anytime of day safe?

"What about my father? Is his safety not important?"


Safe enough.

Colette's puzzlement must have shown because Beatrice raised her eyes towards the ceiling and cupped her forehead.

Colette did not understand why her father was not safe but safe enough? What manner of bed chamber did she have that was different from the one they occupied? Was it barred with iron?

Please. Beatrice,  jotted.

Colette looked over at her father. His ragged breathing had finally slipped into a soft snore. As long as her room was not far away she guessed it would be alright to sleep elsewhere. At least for tonight. She hoped her father was well enough tomorrow to make the trip back home.

Colette nodded. "Fine."

Her bed chamber was on the other side of the castle. Located at the very end of a long hall. It was smaller than her fathers but bigger than their entire cottage. When you walked in you were faced with a large, beautifully, wood- carved, four poster bed. Spiraling and sweeping waves of ivory and gold leaf clashed and intertwined together in an ornate style of wood carving. The four posters tapered into curves beneath an intricately carved wood panel lined with the same ivory and gold leaf coloring. Gauzy white curtains hung from the panels and spilled over the sides of the bed in long sheets. It was absolutely beautiful. Colette had never seen such a well made bed, let alone would have the opportunity to sleep in one.

The bedding looked plush and comfortable enough to sink into. It was a deep burgundy with gold embroidery and tassels. Stuffed pillows  that matched gathered at the headboard.

Beatrice stepped into the room and ran a hand across the vanity beside the bed. Dust followed in its wake. She frowned and used the apron around her waist to wipe the rest off. She gave an apologetic smile and went to light the candelabras along the fireplace mantle, before starting on the hearth. After a minute of striking a flame flurried to life.

Colette was grazing a hand over the bedspread before Beatrice tapped her on the shoulder. She turned to find a nightgown in her outstretched arms. She handed her the silk gown and pointed to the wardrobe against the wall on the other side. Colette understood and nodded. "Thank you."

Beatrice glanced at the door again. Her face turned grim. She took Colette's hand and turned it palmside up. She placed an iron key into her palm and closed her fingers around it. Colette felt the cold metal bite into her skin. "What is this to?"

Beatrice pointed to the lock that was  fastened to her door on the inside. Colette swallowed.

"For my safety?" She whispered.

Beatrice stared her down for a long moment. There were so many unspoken words in her eyes and Colette knew she desperately wanted to say something.

"I know." She breathed. And she did know. At least, she knew that locking her door was as safe as she was going to be. Even though the claws she saw, the claws that caught her as she fell to her knees could easily slash away a door and rip out her throat.

Beatrice smiled softly but it did not reach her eyes. Colette watched as the maid hurried out of the room, bringing the door closed behind her.  Colette pushed the key into the ornate lock and turned it until it clicked. She rattled it for good measure before turning to get ready for bed.

Colette tossed and turned in the bed. Sleep seemed impossible. She kept  looking at the door. She could have sworn she heard something scratch on the other side. It pulled her from her slumber and had her heart hammering away in her chest. She eventually settled down but kept her eyes on the lock. She left the key in it in case someone- something, tried to enter and the key would fall out, alerting her. Though, now thinking about it; what  would she do if it came in? Where would she go?
Colette let that unsettling thought force her eyes open as she counted the number of claws she remembered seeing.

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