Chapter Twenty-Nine

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The next morning Colette found herself layering on a pair of thick wool stockings and an extra skirt. She fitted her cloak around her shoulders and pulled on a pair of wool gloves that reached her elbows. The snow had let up a little and it no longer rained down now. Everything was crusted in its powdery embrace and the sun was making its grand appearance over the tree line.

She had felt stuffy having been in the castle for the past few days. A walk in the gardens sounded refreshing even though she'd freeze her toes off before she made it through half of the spectacular hedge maze.

She didn't see Sébastien at all yesterday. Dinner was served in her room which she asked Beatrice to take with her over to her fathers room. They ate peaceably in silence, listening to the flames crackle in the hearth before bidding each other goodnight.

Now she stood at the castle's front doors bundled up for the icy cold air she was to confront. And by gods was it cold she thought, her teeth chattering away as she closed the castle door behind her. The suns arriving light did not penetrate the ice filled air.

The gardens were impressive and divided into two large, flat courtyards that were surrounded by tall hedges. The garden to the east had a maze hedge along with a smaller courtyard beside it. The courtyard was filled with various statues and potted plants. As well as stone benches that were placed along the cross sections of walkways. The west garden, which Sébastien's study overlooked and the west foyer flanked, had multiple trellises, some covered in dormant flowering vines and others that had swings. There were raised and lower garden beds with ornate bird baths and statues standing in the center of them, as well as various potted trees that were lined up against the hedge walls. Colette knew the gardens had looked even more magnificent in the spring when all the plants were flowering and the trees were in full bloom. Birds probably visited the baths often and the smell of sweet nectar filled the air. She would have to come back during the spring to see it at its peak.

Would she come back?

Colette started to feel odd at the thought. Would she miss this castle? The people who lived here? Him. She didn't realize how fast she had settled into the castle and it startled her a bit. Just a few days ago she was pining to leave and now... No, she wanted to leave. She knew that they had to leave. For their own safety, but...

Colette walked through the west courtyard and imagined it filled with people. Noble women in fine dresses and skirts, holding beautiful, ornate umbrellas as they walked side by side, gossiping away about the young Lord Sébastien. Gardeners would trim and water the plants, daring quick glances at them. Little children would run through the mazes, screaming with laughter and the men would gather around the statues, telling tales of their travels to foreign places. Niel would wait on Lord Sébastien who took long walks through the garden beds, examining the exotic flowers and plants. He would be dressed in the latest fashion, his black fur...
Well... Colette actually didn't know what Sébastien had looked like before the curse. She wasn't sure if the color of his fur reflected any of his natural features or if it was a physical representation of the curse. Maybe she would ask him when she saw him next. Although Niels' warning did linger in her mind. Perhaps it was for the best that she kept her distance from him.

If only he kept his distance from her...

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