Chapter Thirty-Three

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They ate in comfortable silence. Neither had much to say to one another other than reporting the weather outside. It was still snowing. Colette studied Sébastien and his manner of eating the most. His paw-like hands couldn't allow him to grasp a fork, at least not a regular sized fork which was less than the size of his hand. And his claws only got in the way, so instead he used them to stab and impale his food like a hook of sorts and lifted whatever it may be to his mouth and ate it that way. She did not cast judging eyes towards him. She couldn't fathom how he got around to doing other normal things his body hindered in some way or another.

"I realize it probably isn't proper etiquette to eat with one's... claws."

Colette found herself chuckling at his comment. His self awareness was amusing. He looked at her with bright eyes.

"I enjoy hearing you laugh."

Colette stilled and stared down at her plate of roasted meat. Had he made her laugh? Hmm.

"I suppose I should thank Aarav. He's been the only one who has made me feel less... alone. He sends me away laughing with every visit."

Sébastien shifted in his chair and leaning back, grabbing the armrests. She could have sworn the tips of his claws had sunk into the fabric.

"We'll then. Lucky Aarav. He has always had a way with words."

Colette noted the grit in each word. Perhaps mentioning Aarav was a mistake. Those scar's probably surfaced painful memories he did not want to revisit or tell about.

"Yes, well... He certainly has sway with the ladies."
Colette mumbled feebishly, looking anywhere but at him as a blush burned across her face.

She sensed Sébastien noted the underlying meaning and he raised an assessing eyebrow.

"He should entertain his skill set in the kitchen more than his appetite." Sébastien said nonchalantly, almost too smooth that Colette thought surely he knew about Aarav and Beatrice's nightly rendezvous. And if he did he did not let on any further.

Colette cleared her throat and took a sip of water. It was time to change the subject.

"Thank you for dinner. It was... nice."

Sébastien eased the tightness in his body and gestured toward the platters of half eaten food. "I'm glad you enjoyed it. You have quite the appetite for a lady."

Colette nearly spit the water out of her mouth from the sip she had just taken again. She coughed erratically, holding her hand up to her mouth. "Uh... erm... we'll I... I supposed I should... uh-urm, take that as a compliment?" She could not look him in the eyes as her face burned with embarrassment.

"Certainly." Sebastian mused, bringing his hand beneath his chin. "Are you alright?"

Colette wheezed, clearing her throat one last time. Her nostrils burned from the water that trickled up into them. She knew she was bright red from the feline amusement on Sébastien face.

"If- if you're finished. We could start on your portrait now." Anything to remove the attention from her.

Sébastien smirked and stood up to walk over to the desk beneath the window of his study. "I had Niel gather all the materials you asked for. They are here at your disposal." He gestured to the materials laid across the desk.

Colette came over to examine everything. She reached down and picked up a stick of charcoal. She moved it between her fingers and a dust of black was left on her skin. She took one look down at her dress and knew this was not going to work.

"I might have to change indeed. I'm going to get black dust all over my sleeves." She turned her arms over and examined the long, billowy sleeves.

Sébastien grunted. "What about the sun? It is beginning to set already."

Colette took one look outside and knew she would not be back in time to take advantage of the light. She was at a stalemate.

"I knew this dress was going to be trouble when Beatrice pulled it out. In all honesty, it was so lovely I wanted to at least try it on once. I've never worn anything as exquisite as this before. Let alone afford anything like this. I'd hate to ruin it."

"Well, you've tried it on. Now you have worn it. I don't think it will matter. You would look exquisite either way. That is... with black dust all over it or without it on at all."

Heat bloomed in Colette's chest at the innuendo. He said it so softly, so low. And his eyes. They seemed to be glowing with an unreadable emotion. Colette licked her bottom lip and his eyes burned brighter. Was it her or did he move to stand closer to her. She could feel the warmth emanating from his body pressing into hers. A strange feeling pooled into her lower abdomen and she felt unsure of what to say next. Thankfully Sébastien continued on.

"Shall we begin?" He purred. It was such a low vibrato sort of sound.

Colette nodded, sagging a bit in relief. She wasn't sure what came over her suddenly but she felt the need to distance herself from him. "D- did you decide how you would like to be drawn?"

Sébastien made his way over to the tufted, lounge sofa near the hearth. He began untying his shirt at the collar. "If it's alright with you, I'd like you to draw me as I am. What I've become since that fateful day twelve years ago."

He finished undoing the strings and pulled his shirt up and over his head, tossing it to the floor. Colette's mouth nearly dropped as she beheld him shirtless.
His mane ran down to the middle of his chest, tapering away into black scales that spread across his bulging biceps and down his abdomen. His stomach was lean but layered in thick muscle that stretched with every movement of his body. The obsidian scales glistened with an iridescent green in the warm light of the room. They looked to be covered in an oily sheen with how smooth and compacted they were against him. She followed their path going down past his navel into the deep V of his waist before stopping at the top of his trousers. They hung loose and low on his hips whereas everywhere else, the linen fabric was taught across his muscular thighs. He was certainly something to behold indeed. A beautiful, unearthly sort of beast.

He stood there watching her, his eyes burning bright orange against the black of his face. He took deep, shallow breaths and smoke tumbled down from the sides of his mouth. Colette felt her throat dry up and could hardly whisper as she said, "You're beautiful."

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