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Before he knew it three years had passed. He had traveled around the world and seen amazing things but he wasn't happy. He was lonely.

Louis had finished his five years of University and Harry made sure to be there for his graduation. So were Liam, Niall, and Zayn. He realized how much he had missed them too. His vagabond life had made it difficult to stay in touch.

They went out to celebrate and it was just like the old days. Harry ended up going home with Louis and they had amazing sex but afterward, Louis seemed down.
"What's up?"

"I've really missed you. I only see you a couple of times a year. How long are we gonna do this?" Louis sighed.

Harry got a lump in his throat.
"This was the agreement. You don't want a relationship."

"It's been five years, Harry. I've grown up. I want more." Louis said.

"I... My job..." Harry said but Louis cut him off.

"I know and I'm not really talking about us. I know the deal. I'm kind of seeing someone. Eleanor. We have reconnected. We're not a couple...yet but I don't know. If I actually give her a chance we might be." Louis said.

Harry stared at him.
"Eleanor? Your high school girlfriend that cheated on you?"

"It was a long time ago, Harry. We were just kids." Louis defended her.

Harry couldn't believe what he was hearing.
"I think you can do so much better."

"You don't even know her." Louis replied dryly.

"And I don't wanna. Seriously, Louis? Eleanor?" Harry muttered.

"Well, you're not here most of the time so don't worry about getting to know her." Louis huffed.

Harry stared angrily at him and then he got out of bed and started to get dressed.
"Where are you going? It's the middle of the night." Louis said, sounding upset.

"Us having sex might stand in the way of your hope for a relationship with a cheater. Best of luck with that. I'm going to Asia tomorrow. I'll be gone for nine months so don't worry about me getting in the way." Harry said.

"Don't be fucking petty." Louis snorted.

"Petty? You just slept with me and then you decide to tell me you're getting back together with her." Harry almost shouted.

"Don't act like a jealous boyfriend." Louis snorted.

"I'm not but it's not like you have given me a chance." Harry muttered.

"Harry, you're not exactly boyfriend material. You travel all the time and I really mean all the time and that's great for you if that makes you happy. We're so different. I wanna have a family, move back to Donny, you know, buy a house, settle down." Louis said.

"You're 23 years old, Louis. Why are you in such a fucking hurry? You have no idea what I want or not because you've never bothered to ask but I'll get out of your way since I'm not boyfriend material." Harry snorted and pushed passed him. He was hurt and offended.

"Would you stay in Donny?" Louis shouted after him.

Harry turned around. He stared at him. As usual, Louis hadn't addressed any deeper feelings toward him. Probably because there weren't any.

"Well, I'm starting my two-year foundation program in Donny on Monday. You would have known that if we talked more often." Louis said accusingly.

"Great. Best of luck." Harry replied coldly and walked out the door.

He wiped away a couple of tears as he walked down the street. Louis had really thrown some hurtful words at him. Mostly because it was true. He wasn't boyfriend material. He was constantly traveling, something he had really enjoyed but he wasn't excited about seeing most of Asia any longer. Louis just fucking destroyed that.

He slept at the airport before he took a flight to Singapore. He threw himself into his job to avoid dealing with his feelings. He didn't want to think about Louis at all and what he actually meant to him. Something he had been really good at avoiding for years.

Traveling wasn't as fun as it used to be. If he would be honest he was tired of the vagabond life and the loneliness it brought him. Cheap hotel rooms, dirt, no real connection to people. The thought of seeing Louis again was something that he had clung to in the past. Now he didn't have that safe haven to go back to and he was spiraling. He realized he was grieving a relationship that he never really had. That made him feel pathetic.

One month turned into two. Two turned into three. He didn't hear from Louis at all and he was too proud to reach out himself. What was the point anyway? Louis didn't want him. He made that perfectly clear.

He really dug a hole of self-pity and depression. He just wanted to go home but he had a job to do. Six more months passed slowly. He had decided to look for another job, more locally without travels and he felt good about his decision. He spent the evenings job hunting and focused on Doncaster. He wanted to be close to his family again. That wasn't his only reason but he ignored that.

When the job market came up dry he had a rethink and decided to open his own business. Headshots, baby pictures, wedding photographer maybe, or all of them? Why not?

Since he hadn't needed an apartment for years most of the money he had made was just laying on a savings account and it was a well-paid job. He could open a shop. He started to look for something to rent in the city. Location was important. He also started to build a website. Then he called and quit his job. They were sad to see him leave but understood. He still had five days left in Indonesia before he could fly home. He thought about contacting Louis but felt like he had to have something to show for first.

The morning after he woke up from a text from Louis. He smiled happily as he started to read it but soon his face was expressing absolute horror.

Hi, Harry.
I hope you're doing well and that you're safe there somewhere in Asia.

First, I want to apologize for the things I said last time we saw each other. I wasn't being fair.

Secondly, I just want to inform you that Eleanor and I are getting married this Saturday. I'm not inviting you to the wedding. I'm sorry, but that would feel weird and you're somewhere in Asia anyhow so...

I wish you all the best.

Harry whined a "no" and rushed out of bed and started to throw his stuff into his suitcase. He had to get back to England! Louis couldn't get married without knowing how he really felt about him. He couldn't just let him go.

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