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Songs for the Chapter: I Will Trust In YOU by JayMikee and Come THOU Fount (a hymn I love so much 🥰)


"Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might.

Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil."

Ephesians 6:10,11;



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"So, what do you think of my theory?" Isabella munched on a chocolate bar as she casually lounged on Violet's bed. They had become fast friends indeed.

"He fits the bill, doesn't he?"

"Well..." Violet intoned, trying to carefully phrase her words without giving out what she had seen.

She had been fiddling around with her violin, trying to tune it. It was a hobby she had taken an interest in since she was younger. The trip had looked to be an opportunity to go back to it.

But, Isabella's words caused her to pause and set the instrument aside.

He could just be a pawn setting the stage for the real deal—though deadly, she thought, but couldn't voice that out loud.

"THE BIBLE says there will be many anti-CHRISTS. But, the main one is yet to be revealed according to 2 Thessalonians..."

"Tessa—what?" Isabella cut her off. "That's in THE BIBLE as well? Did she write one of the books too? Man, have I got a lot to read."

Violet chuckled, the mirth of Isabella's question tickling her an awful mite.

Yet, despite the Light she could see beginning to sparkle in her friend's soul, she had to admit a fear that it could only be a phase.

Maybe she just wants an interesting divergent, Violet could only pray and hope. Dare she push her further to accept CHRIST before it was too late?

Violet could feel the urgency of the time in her heart and based on certain things she had seen and begun to learn from the Holy Scriptures. She wanted to push her with all her might till Isabella finally gave in. She was so close.

Wait, the ever-so-gentle Voice impressed upon her soul. Yours is to show the Way and leave the rest to ME.

FATHER, she cried within in desperation. But she is so close and the time so near. Can't YOU do YOUR part now?

Just wait for ME, Violet. In due time.

"Speaking of Tessa, I've been dying to try some of their foods," Isabella propped herself off the silk pillow she had cushioned upon. "I heard they have opened a new restaurant here. Want to try it with me? We could get some ice cream too!"

THE ICE PRINCE - Princess Trials #2Where stories live. Discover now