02 - Accidentally entered

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"WHERE.THE.FUCK.ARE.YOU?" Anayra was shouting on her phone.

Because she can't find them.

After sakshi getting all dolled up . Girls left to pick up Advait.

Around 10

"Hey, come we are here."sakshi said on call.

After sometime Advait was there .

He got in the back seat.

Sakshi: Uuuuuu...You look hot.

Advait: Thanks princess. So do you. ( He blushed)

Anayra: You would look better in your bed sleeping right now.

Advait : Not a bad idea if you join.

Anayra turned her head back ,her lips were making a pout and her expressions saying seriously just shut up.

He shrugged and said "you started it."

Anayra: Fine tell me where we going.

Advait: I sent you the adress already.

Anayra checked her phone and there was the adress .
She started driving as per the direction.


It was just 30 minutes away.

Sakshi was in halfasleep.

Anayra: Get up . We reached.

Advait got of the car and opened the door for sakshi.

Sakshi: Thank you adi.

Anayra: I literally do that everyday for you. I never got a "thank you" .

Advait chukled and helped sakshi get off the car.

"You guys don't move . I will be back after parking this car. DON'T MOVE."

After parking the car she was running to the spot she left them.

And magic they disappeared.

She reached the point and was looking for them all the direction.

" Didn't I tell them not to move? ." She asked herself.

She picked her phone from her pocket and called Advait.

He picked the call but she wasn't able to hear anything because of the loud music.

There she was shouting on her phone that where te fuck they are you?.

"Come in and take the left stairs...hello....anayra...."

She cut the call and entered the club it was so so full. The bass thrums through the floor , a physical pulse beneath her feet. Strobe lights paint the crowd. The air is thick with the sent of spilled drinks, perfume, and everything you know.

Finally I saw The way to the VIP area .

The thump of the bass reaches the VIP area in a muted rumble.

Plush couches in a deep emerald green line the secluded space, casting a luxurious glow under the soft lighting. Here, the air is scented with expensive perfume ,a sublte difference.

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