Chapter 21

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"We should probably stand behind the tree so we don't freak my neighbors out," Gray said once they stepped into the front yard. "Unless you know how to do a mind erase?"

"Nope," Raj said. "Not one of the tricks I have up my sleeve."

"Dang, I haven't met anyone who can do one of those."

"Or maybe you just don't remember."

Gray tilted her head to look at Raj and then laughed.

Raj clapped his hands together and rubbed them. "All right, so operation Etch A Sketch." He jerked his head side to side. "Did I do it? Am I invisible?"

Clearly, from his smile, he knew he wasn't.

"Maybe we should start with an object. Hand me your lighter."

Raj just looked at Gray's outstretched hand.

"Give it."

He sighed and slowly pulled the Zippo out of his pocket. Gray nabbed it from him then held the lighter between her thumb and pointer in front of her face. "Now you see it... now you don't. Now you see it again. You try."

Raj held his hand out for the return of his lighter. Gray glanced at the Zippo between her fingers and smiled. "Let's give you a little incentive. I'll keep your lighter until you can make it go invisible."

"Hand it over," Raj said.

"Giving up already?" Gray tossed the lighter in the air and reached out her hand to catch it. When it landed in her palm, a dull ache traveled up her arm and burned at her shoulder. The Zippo felt as though it was about to scorch the skin around her palm even though the cap was snapped shut. She handed it back to Raj. "Take it."

"What's the matter?" Raj asked, studying her face.

Gray was frowning. "You shouldn't be carrying that object around."

Raj flicked it open and closed. "Why not?"

Gray kept frowning, trying to read the expression on his face. A dull throb still lingered in her arm as though it had been used to cushion a blow to the pavement.

Raj took a step closer. His face was contorted, angry. "Afraid I'll burn down another house?"

"I'm afraid that thing is hurting you!" Gray hadn't meant to yell.

Raj's eyes widened briefly and then his entire face dropped. Even his cheeks seemed to sink into his face.

Gray didn't like where this was going. "Keep the damn thing for all I care." She avoided eye contact as she bit out the words. "Let's just get back to the spell before my mom returns and I have to go. I thought you wanted to be invisible."

"I do," Raj replied calmly.

"Then concentrate! You have to want it."

Raj squeezed his eyes shut. Gray's breath caught. An image sprang into her mind of Raj holding her, kissing her like mad. She took a step back. His hands caressed her shoulders. They moved down her back. She tilted her head back, exposing her neck to a trail of kisses, and then tilted her chin and opened her lips to allow Raj's tongue inside her mouth.

Gray sucked in a quick breath, hoping the projection hadn't reached Raj. Her heart was hammering wildly inside her chest. It felt like a hundred drumbeats pulsing in front of a blazing bonfire.

Raj opened his eyes and stared directly at her.

Gray felt the blush high in her cheekbones. She pressed her lips together and shrugged. Raj's face darkened and he took a step toward her.

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