Chapter 4

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Next morning after offering my Fajar Salah and reciting some Quranic verses i feel my eye lids getting heavier so i lay down on my prayer mat for a little while.

I woke up with stupid alarm and glance the clock and it shows 8:30.

"Oh no I'm late oh no.... My first dayat office and already late.. No no" i muttered and hurriedly ran to my closet and changed into red turtleneck and black pant with blazer.

I tie my hair in bun and wrap black hijab.

I quickly rush to the door and realized I haven't put on my watch that my father gifted me.

Ran back in put my wrist watch, grabbing my phone, bag, keys and of course my diary.

I climb off,

"hi mom.... Bye mom" i quickly shut the door as my mom patted her forehead saying

"Your breakfast-" mom shout

"i'll eat something at the office, already late" i shouted back and make my way to the office.

I crazily run towards the entrance door and turn to greet Rachel and Jack at the front desk.

And bumped into someone

"ooow can't you see, stupid" without looking at that person i groaned.

"No I can't see people coming from behind, specially those who came late" familiar male voice replied.

'bingo boss caught'

"Sorry Sir... I was um..-"

"From tomorrow I want you here at 7:45 sharp" he emphasizes.

"Roger that" i said.

"Anyways follow me, let me give you brief information about the firm as on your first day you've got to attend first meeting with me also you're already late," he said and step in to the elevator and i followed him.

"This is your cabin" he pointed over a small cabin right beside his room's door.

I nodded. " Come to my office for now" he said and step in his room.


"Hey wait, what will be my duty?" i asked confused.

"First of all you need to learn some formal behavior, no HEY DUDE YEAH OKAY... It should be SIR, OKAY SIR, YES SIR and so on... Then practice to increase your patience level... And now follow me, I'm guiding you" he said while sitting in his chair.

"OKay" i said. "I mean Sir.. OKAY SIR" he glared.

"Do you have any note book or a diary, where you can write down all the important details and my instructions?" he ask.

"Yes sir, i have diary, i always keep one with me, just in case-" he didn't let me finish.

"No need to go in detail. Just take it out and start writing I'm dictating things" he said looking at his laptop.

"Also make sure to write it in bullet points, it would be easy, and yes during meeting do not write everything just important points" he directed.

I open my diary and look for pen in my bag uuugh i forgot to bring a pen.

"What's taking so long, clients won't wait for you" he said working on his laptop.

"uuum sir?...uuh i forgot the pen" i said awkwardly laughing.

He gesture me to take one from the glass.

He instruct me to bring coffee every morning, to write every single detail during meeting and gave brief overview of meeting and presentation.

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