Bad News

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Warning! This may or may not have a little teeny bit of Trez in it ;).



On my way to the hospital, I reflect on how many things changed this night. Austin asks Ally on a date, I play video games, Austin and Ally are in an accident, Trish calls me, I lose in my favorite video game, and now I need to go to the hospital. But then I remember that my best friend since third grade has been in an accident. Oh, and Ally too.

I hastily park my car in a rush and storm in the hospital. I see Trish, hair all frizzy and flying everywhere, silently sobbing to herself and when she sees me, she comes to my side and puts her arms around me. Never in a million years did I think Trish would hug me. I get stiff for a moment then hug back. "Did you go see Austin and Ally yet?" I ask Trish.

"Nope. I wanted you to come with me. O-only for moral support, that is." She fumbles a bit through her words and I lead her to the front desk where a lady with black hair in a uniform stood. Her name seemed to be Amber Willis.

"Excuse me, Mrs. Willis? Can we see Austin Moon and Ally Dawson? They're our friends." I tell her. She looks at me and pushes her glasses up to the bridge of her nose. At this moment, Mr. Dawson comes running in. His hair is all messed up and he has dark circles under his eyes.

"Please lady! My daughter, Ally, she's hurt- and I want to see how she..." 

"We are very well aware of that sir. You all may visit them in an hour after we take them in to examine their injuries. You must be family to them, then?" 

"Yes. I'm Ally's father and these kids are their best friends." Mrs. Willis tells us to wait and all Trish does is sob with her head in her hands. I give Trish a side hug and that seemed to comfort her. I had been holding in so many feelings and my eyes started to get watery too. Mr. Dawson kept saying "why Austin and Ally?" over and over again. Finally, finally, Mrs. Willis told us that we could follow her after Mr. Dawson saw them. Trish and I waited for fifteen minutes until Mr. Dawson came out with tears in his eyes and shaking his head. 

"You guys must be Trish and Dez, Austin and Ally's....friends?" The nurse had long platinum blonde hair and green eyes. She looked really young too. "Follow me." She led us to a room that was labeled R4 and another that was R6. "This is your friend Austin's room." She started to open the door but seemed to remember something. She leaned in closer and whispered "They seem in really bad condition. Probably going to die anyway. I wouldn't go in there and spare my feelings if I were you." And with that she reached for the doorknob. What did she know anyway?! She didn't know how close we were with each other. I looked down at Trish and knew she was thinking the same thing. I gave Trish a nod and we went inside the room, wondering what to expect.


Sorry for such a short chapter. I will update next week and hopefully you guys will get a longer and better chapter than this. Thank you for reading!

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