The Final Goodbye

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I really recommend getting tissues for this chapter. Honestly, I cried while writing this and you guys probably also will.
Austin POV

That was it. I couldn't bear seeing her so fragile, so...broken. It hurt me so much to even look at her. Her hair seemed almost dead and it no longer had the shine that it had before. Her forehead and cheek were supposedly badly wounded and they had a bandage over them. It seemed she had broken her whole body. The only thing not damaged was the glistening engagement ring and my love for her. I held her hand and her eyes stared back at me, sad and lonely. "Austin...are you okay?" Her voice was raspy but expressed so much concern for me.

"Don't worry about me, Ally. I'll be totally fine. Seeing you like this, though, shatters my heart into a million pieces." My voice breaks at the end and I look down at my feet.

Ally POV

I feel so weak and also as if I don't have much longer to live. Trish came in before and told me Brooke planned this but she was now stuck in jail. She also noticed the ring on my finger and I told her how Austin had proposed. It seemed that she expected him to propose even though she didn't know. For a moment, it seemed like we were still together, Trish and I, and we could tell each other anything. I guess, now, things were different, awkward even.

It broke my heart to see him look at me like he did.

Suddenly I felt my heart start to race but faster than it had been ever before. Then it slowed down to the point that I couldn't even feel it beating. I knew I couldn't be alive for much longer, my body would probably give up in a few short minutes. I needed to say my last goodbye to Austin and I had to do it now.

He looked up again and stared at me alarmed because the monitor had started beeping so vigorously it was shaking.

"Mrs. Willis!!" He called and he looked really nervous, realizing what was going to happen.

"Austin. It's going to be okay. I'll watch over you every single day. I'll be with you in spirit. I need you to move on and find someone else to be with. Date other girls, get married, start a family. I won't let you suffer because of me."

"No Ally! You are going to be just fine! Don't say...that! "

"Shhh. It's going to be okay. I love you Austin." I squeezed his hand with some of my last energy that I had left.

"I love you so much Ally." A tear fell from his eyes and landed onto my hand. He leaned over and kissed me softly but passionately. I kissed back just as passionately and felt my body finally giving up.

Austin POV

No! Her lips left mine and her pulse stopped. She couldn't be gone forever. Despite what she said, I couldn't and wouldn't move on. I would never love anyone as much as I loved Ally. I started to scream hysterically and Mrs. Willis burst through the door, along with Trish, Dez, and other doctors and nurses. She calmly explained that Ally told her that she know she would die and wanted her last living moments with me. As I looked at Ally laying still, tears started pour down my face. My vision became blurry with tears as Trish held my hand, crying softly and Dez put his hand on my shoulder, sobbing.

The reality of what happened started to sink in.

I had lost my writing partner, my best friend, and the love of my life.

You guys must hate me so much for doing this to them. But I assure you, this is not the end of Austin and Ally and this story. I know you are dying to know what's going to happen next. I've decided to be a little cruel to you guys and say that if I get at least 10 votes on this chapter, I will update. If I don't, well, I will wait until I have them. Time has been very limited for me these days so I need to feel like this story is worth it, interesting, and people enjoy reading it. Oh, and also, comment, telling me if you liked it or not. Again, thanks for reading :)!

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