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Trish's POV

"You could say that" Brooke smiled at us evilly. "Anyway, after Ally is history, I can finally be with my Austypoo."

"You little....! Ugh!" I'm literally so pissed off at Brooke and I can tell Dez is too, given the way he is clenching his fists.

"Say whatever you want! When Austy and I get married, you can't be mad at me anymore."

"In your dreams, Brooke!"

"Want to know my other secret? I planned the crash. Well, actually I was pretending to be this guy's girlfriend and he was drunk."

"WHAT!?" Dez and I yell in unison. I just want to punch her so badly but I hold back.

"I wanted to break up with him but he's probably dead by now. I guess this all happened so I could be with my Austy." After the sentence leaves her mouth, we all start arguing and screaming at each other.

"Hey! What's going on in here!? Who are you and what are you doing here?!" Ms. Willis shouts to Brooke.

"She planned the crash! She hurt my friends!" Dez shouts and I can see tears in his eyes. Suddenly Brooke rushes away and knocks down all the medical tools. The security chases her and suddenly all the chaos stops. Ms. Willis slowly walks over to her and looks up at the very tall security guard.

"Take her away." She says slowly but sternly. The guard nods. Brooke tries to sneak out of the guard's hold but the glare Ms. Willis gives her makes her stand suddenly really still. The guard takes her away and a murmur of whispers fill the room as they leave. "I'm so sorry, but you unfortunately cannot see Miss Dawson yet. She has lost a lot of blood due to the crash and it is unknown if she can survive." Ms. Willis pats Dez's shoulder and says, "We will try our best."

Even though her look and tone is meant to be reassuring and comforting, I can't believe my best friend is in a hospital room in the middle of the night. I feel like crying again but I try to hold my tears because it doesn't look like Dez can hold in his tears much longer.

I don't know what I'd do without my best friends, Austin and Ally.
Sorry I haven't updated in a while! There is a lot on my plate currently and posting a new chapter was the furthest thing from my mind. School started last week and being an eighth grader is harder than you think. For me, anyway. The next few chapters might be a bit emotional so I suggest a box of tissues when you sit down to read. Again, I put emphasis on the word might so I still don't know. But you know, get them just in case :)!

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