The Beginning.

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Song for this chapter: Missing you by All Time Low.

Trigger warning- please do not read if you are easily triggered.
Remember I love you random citizen!

The Beginning...

One thing I hate about finishing a book is the feeling of being incomplete, like a massive hole has been punched through you chest, and you don't know what to do. You would usually spend hours of each day reading one book, then once it's finished you have no idea what to do. The feeling of as soon as you close the book after reading the last page, it feels like the characters just cease to exist, like these characters you've devoted days of your life to are just gone. I know I hate that feeling more than anything else in the world.

That's usually when I go on the Internet to find some Fanfiction to fill the empty space that is now taking over my chest. But no matter how much Fanfic you read, it will never be the same as reading the book, it will never be able to compare to the sequel you want but probably never got. It's a truly heart breaking moment when you finish a good book. I feel like they are only some of the feelings you experience when either reading or writing a book. The rest are so over powering I don't even know how to describe how they make you feel.

Usually after this stage, after the ending and the Fanfiction, you start to become obsessed with the author. I have been through this stage multiple times I lost count. After shamelessly stalking the author on Twitter and leaving many tweets addressed to them, you start checking for merch. Soon this one book will become you whole life. Posters around the room. Mugs in the cupboard. T-shirts in the wardrobe. All related to this one book.
However it's not only books that do this to us. Many things can. Bands for example. You become so obsessed with their music it takes over. You start to forget what your life was like before you started listening to them.
You never see it coming. You can never predict when it's going to happen. One day the obsession just hits you. And you never ever want to let go...

Shameless to say, I have been obsessed or addicted to many things in life.
Some I will admit to gladly but others...I'm not proud of.
I am not ashamed to admit that I've read every book on my book case at least 4 times.
But if you asked me how I got those scratches on my wrist, you will not get a true answer.
Not because I don't trust you.
I don't want to see the pity in your eyes as you look at me like I'm broken.
After all, you cannot break something that's already broken.


First chapter=complete
Quite proud of it as well :)))

Vote, comment, blah, blah, blah...

Love, newts_fangirlxx

Edited- 24/04/16

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