Gone but not Forgotten.

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Song for this chapter: Second Chances by Imagine Dragons.

Trigger warning- please do not read if you are easily triggered.
Remember I love you random citizen!

Gone but not Forgotten...

You should always make the most out of your life.
Stop and think if all of the good things.
Of what makes you happy.
Forget about what makes you sad.
You don't need that.
Someone I used to know once said that to me.
Always think of what makes me happy.
Whether it's the 70s pop music that blasts from my dads car radio every time it's turned on or the person you steal glances of from across the room.

One thing I have learnt is that if life throws something completely unexpected in your face, don't fight it, embrace it.
Because as long as you're happy nothing else should matter.
Think of your friends.
Your loved ones.
Think of who you're hurting before you hurt yourself.
Because nobody, and I mean nobody, should ever feel that way.

This should be a lesson to you.
Learn from it and become someone different.
That's the thing about life, it's always giving you second chances.
It gives you these chances so that you can help other people.

After this long lesson called life I have finally realised exactly what I have.
And now?
I'm going to hold onto that tightly with both hands.

My final lesson to you is that when the waves crash around you, try to keep your head above the water...

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