Chapter Two

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I woke up to the sound of my mom snapping at someone. "What is going on?" I asked, even though I knew no one could hear me. "I wanted to check on her!" My father said. Why the hell is my father hear? I got up and walked into the hallway. "Sweetie" my father said as soon as he saw me. He ran up and hugged me.

I pushed him away. "I need to get ready for school" I said walking into the washroom. "It's Saturday" my mother called after me. "I know" I said. I straightened my long, long blond hair. I put on mascara and my favourite lip gloss. I looked at myself in the mirror. I was fairly pretty, but not as pretty as Maddi or Sophia.

I walked out of the washroom and both my parents were waiting. "Move" I said to them and they dispersed. I walked into my bedroom to change. I wore a grey NY sweat shirt with boyfriend jeans. I wrapped a light pink scarf around my neck, and put grey hoops in my ears. I put a silver ring on my finger that my father gave me. I stared at it for a second.

"DAD!" I yelled. He came running in the room, looking stressed and worried. "What's wrong?" He asked. "Wasn't this moms engagement ring?" I asked him. He nodded. "Give it to her" I told him, passing the ring to him. "What?" He said, giving me a questioning look. "You love her, I know you do" I said, smiling at him. He took the ring from me and walked outside.

I knew he wouldn't take the ring and propose right now, but I still had hope that he would eventually use it. I grabbed my books. "Well, I have nothing better to do, so I guess I'll study" I said to myself. I sat and read, read, read, read and studied. I studied for about half an hour when I received a phone call.

"SAMANTHA you picked up" I could hear Maddi saying through the phone. "It's like 11 am, what are you doing?" I asked her. "I'm at school, why aren't you here?" She asked, sounding worried. "WHAT?" I yelled. I hung up the phone and ran into the hall. My parents weren't there, but I could hear them in the kitchen.

"DAD" I yelled. "Oh no, she found out" he said, walking into the hallway to see me. "Oh I found out that you changed the date on my phone and told me it was Saturday" I said, yelling at him. "Okay, I thought you would need a break from school so I called in sick for you" he said. I ran up to my room and grabbed my bag. "Where are you going?" He said, noting that I grabbed my bag.

"I'm going to school, I have my license, I can drive" I said, walking out the door. I hoped into my fathers car. If he wanted to leave, mom can drive him. I drove to the school and ran into the office. "Grandma, I'm here, daddy called in for me" I said, catching my breathe. "Okay, it's biology" my grandmother said, not looking up from her computer. I went overs and kissed her on the head.

"Sorry I'm late Mr Avery....." I said, but Mr Avery wasn't at the front of the class, no one was in the classroom. I looked around. He was in the corner, making out with someone I couldn't quite make out. He must have heard me because he turned around. "MADDISON" I yelled. Mr Avery was making out with my best friend. Mr Avery was hot, but I wouldn't kiss him for extra credit.

"Sam, I can explain" she said, running towards me. We went out into the hall. She caught up beside me. "He is really hot and an amazing kisser" she said, defending herself. "What about Marc, my best friend since preschool?" I said. "He moved towns" she said. "WHAT?" I shouted. "Oh yeah he didn't tell you because he didn't want to upset you" she said, running back into the classroom to be with Mr Avery.

It was almost time for gym, so I went, put my books away, and changed in the change room. The bell rang just as I finished. Maddi was right in the middle waiting for everyone to be ready. Our teacher was standing against the wall. Sophia, who hates me, walked over to Maddi so I couldn't. I went and stood beside the really cute guy from math yesterday.

"Hi" I said, not looking over at him. "Hi" he said. "What's your name?" I asked. "James, you?" He said, rocking back and forth awkwardly. "Samantha" I said, looking down at my feet. "Samntha, Sam, or Sammy?" He asked. "Samantha" I said, nodding. "ATTENTION CLASS" our teacher yelled. I tripped over my own feet and James caught me. "Sorry" I said, standing up.

We were going to play girls vs boys dodge ball. I was walking over to the side with all the girls when Sophia approached me. "Who do you think you are, flirting with my boyfriend?" She said. I shook my head and just walked away. Sophia has been my enemy ever since she kissed the guy I liked in third grade. To be honest, I don't even know why I liked him? He was ugly. He was now David, the guy who dates teachers. I walked over to Maddi.

"How was the rest of your time with Mr Avery?" I whispered in her ear. She looked at me like I just shit my pants. She shook her head and walked over to stand with Sophia. I was positioned right across from James. Our teacher really enjoyed putting us in certain positions, so it was my lucky day. I was positioned right across from the person I was in so much trouble from. He smiled at me. I wanted to smile back but I could feel Maddi and Sophia's eyes on me, so I just looked at the ground.

I looked up a small bit and he was talking to one of his friends beside him. I looked over at Maddi. She was talking to Sophia and giving me dirty looks every once and a while. "SOPHIA STOP TALKING" our teacher yelled. I laughed at them, but not too loud so I wouldn't get yelled at. They looked over at me and I assumed they heard or saw me laughing.

I looked straight ahead then remembered I was across from James. He waved and smiled. I looked away from James, Maddi, and Sophia. I didn't want to get in even more trouble from Maddi and I didn't want her to hate me. "READY, SET, GO!" Our teacher yelled, I got up and just stood there. A ball came flying at me and I dodged it.

"What? You barely saw that coming!" Sophia yelled at me. "Didn't you know? Samantha is like the queen of dodge ball" I could hear Maddi say to Sophia. I leaned against the wall and laughed.
Hi guys

Sorry this chapter isn't so long, just I wanted to upload for you guys.

H xoxo❤️❤️❤️

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