Gone With The Wind

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“Are you sure you’re alright to go home by yourself?” Donavan asked.

                My back was leaning against the door to my car. We stood in the darkness a few hours later. A few cops lingered on the scene, but most people had cleared out. Donavan had kept an arm on me the entire time, not letting me go for a minute. I was grateful for that.

                It was nearly morning now, and I needed to get home. We had already called my grandmother and explained everything. I knew she would’ve been out here if she could’ve made it. Her arthritis was keeping her from most things now a day.

                I looked at Donavan with a small smile on my face, “Thanks, but I’m sure I can handle it. They’ve already arrested him. I think I’ll be ok to drive the few miles it is to my house.”

                He gave me a worrying look, “I want you to text me when you get home, ok? If I don’t get a message, I’m going to assume the worst.”

                I rolled my eyes, “Sure, Mom.”

                “I’m serious, Avery.”

                “Alright, I’ll text you when I get back.”

                Donavan opened up his arms, beckoning with his fingers for me to come forward, “Where’s my goodnight hug?”

                I laughed slightly, wrapping my arms around his waist. He pulled me in tightly, capturing me in his arms. Leaning my head against his chest, I let my eyes flutter close. His body was warm against mine. He gave me a small squeeze before pulling back, resting his hands on my shoulders. I brushed the hair out of my eyes, staring up at him.

                “Are you positive?”


                “Alright. Goodnight.” He gave me another small hug before moving away. I watched him walk towards his car.

                He opened the door of his red gas guzzler, climbing in. The lights lit up as he stared the car, pulling out. Donavan pulled his car next to mine, popping his head out of his window.

                “Don’t forget to text me.”

                “I won’t.” I promised.

                He pulled out of the parking lot.

                The silence filled the night. I sighed, running a hand through my hair. While the shock of facing death had worn off some, I could still fear the ghost of the man on me. His voice was imprinted in my mind forever.

                I shivered slightly, opening the door and climbing in.

                I fumbled in my pockets for the key.

                “Looking for these?” a deep voice asked.

                I screamed, whipping my head to the side. I scrambled to create as much space between me and the mystery man as I could. My hand fumbled with the handle on the side, trying to get out.

                His fingers curled around my wrist, pulling my hand towards him.

                “Let go! Let go! Let go!” I screamed, jerking my hand in his grasp.

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