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I woke up with barely any space on the couch. My breathing was constricted by something hard pressing against my nose, and it felt like a hundred degrees in here. Forcing my eyes open, I pulled back, sucking in a deep breath.

                Tyler slept before me, his face half smashed into the couch, half revealed to me. His mouth opened just barely for him to breathe in air.

                I looked down the length of the couch, propping myself up on my elbow. Tyler was smashed between me and the back of the couch on his side, looking rather uncomfortable. A blanket covered both of waists and down. I sat with my back open to the rest of the room, his arm wrapped tightly against me to hold me on. I could feel our legs tangled together. At the very edge of the blanket, our toes poked out.

                My eyes moved back to the sleeping figure next to me, wondering how we managed to get into this position.

                Hesitantly, I moved my head back to nestle it next to his. His warm breath hit my cheek as he exhaled slowly. Lips puffy with sleep moved almost as if he were trying to eat something. I smiled, pressing a finger softly against them.

                He curled his lips around my finger, sucking on it gently. His tongue swirled around to tell me he was awake now.

                I giggled, pulling it out and sitting up, “Good morning.”

                He frowned, wrapping an arm around me and trying to bury his head into my side, “It’s too early. Go back to sleep.”

                “You need to take me home.” I said, running my head down his head softly. “Come on, Tyler, we have to get going.”

                He groaned, sitting up. “You’re no fun.”
                I stood up, reaching a hand out for him. He slipped his fingers around mine and pulled himself to his feet, wrapping an arm around my waist. Tyler leaned his head on my shoulder, pulling me into a surprise hug.

                Hesitantly, I rested my hands on his back, “We really need to get back. My grandmother’s probably freaking out.”

                “You worry too much.”

                “I don’t like her yelling at me.” I frowned, pulling away to cross my arms. “The stress is bad for her health.”

                He smirked, pressing his lips against mine for a small peck. “Always thinking about others before herself.”

                I snorted, rolling my eyes. “Shut up and take me home.”

                “Anything for you, your Highness.” Instead of moving, he slid his hands farther down my body to cup my butt. I squeaked as he gave me a squeeze, pulling me in closer for a kiss.

                “This is so wrong.”

                “This?” He asked, teasing my bottom lip with his tongue.

                I nodded, jerking my head back, “I have a boyfriend.”

                Tyler scowled. “I know.”

                “Listen…” I pressed a finger to his lips, “I need to think about it for a while. I need to consider our relationship to my actual relationship before we do anything. I just need a few moments to myself to think about everything.”      

Superman Stole My PantiesWhere stories live. Discover now