Thank You

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So, before I post the last chapter, I want to say thanks to everyone. 

Honestly, this has been a very stressful story for me. There were many times I had dug myself into a hole I didn't know how to get out, or times I simply didn't know how to write what I wanted. But I moved past that for a reason.

And that's because so many people wanted me to.

I don't think I could have done this without you. 

Really, to all of you who private messaged me your thoughts, posted on my profile, or even simply commented on the chapters whether it be one or all, thank you so much for your feedback. I loved hearing your thoughts on my events, or if you had something personal you wanted to say to a character, I LOVED those. (: 

To any that voted or liked or tweeted this story, thank you. I'm that kind of person when I read. I don't usually comment, but I appreciate all of you taking the time to give me some kind of feedback. 

And even to my silent readers =] I love you guys too! Thank you for taking the time to read this and thank you for everything you guys have done. I really couldn't have asked for better people to read my story. You guys are my motivation behind everything. 

I simply can't thank you enough <3

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