Nightly Visitor.

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“How was your date?”

                I clamped my hand over my mouth, silencing the scream that instinctively ripped through my throat.

                Shivers ran through my body as I stood barefoot on my bathroom floor. My hand tightened its grip on the towel around my body. Water droplets clung to my skin, sliding down my body. A small puddle had formed around my foot where I stood frozen in place.

                The light flickered slightly, one lone bulb above my head.

                I stood before the fogged up mirror, staring at the condensed water.

                Hesitantly, I reached out a hand, my fingertips touching the cool surface of the mirror. They moved slowly, wiping away the condensed water.

                The masked man hung upside down from the ceiling. My breath caught in my throat at the sight of his upside-down smile. His face was less than a foot away from my own.

                Quickly, I whirled around, my eyes coming face to face with his neck. I took a step back, my ass pressing against the corner of the counter. My fingers tightened the grip on the towel once more cautiously.

                “How did you get in here?” My voice was barely audible.

                “The door.” He said as if it were the most obvious thing in the world.

                “Who the hell said you could come in here?!” I hissed.

                He smirked, suddenly falling to the ground. I cringed slightly at the thud. The masked man landed on his feet easefully. He straightened up, standing before me. I licked my dry lips hesitantly, my eyes moving to where his would be underneath his mask.

                “I don’t go by the rules, Princess, in case you haven’t noticed.” His voice was low. He kept it as quiet as he could, increasing the mystery with him.

                “Can you not stand here while I’m naked?” There was a hard edge in my voice.

                He shrugged, “I can.”

                I waited a moment before I realized he was just toying with me. “Please leave while I go get dressed. And don’t you dare look!”

                He only snickered, disappearing out the door soundlessly.

                I exhaled the breath I hadn’t realized I’d been holding slowly.

                The house resumed its silent presence as I finished drying off, making my way back to my room with the towel wrapped extra tight around my body. I made sure to check every crevice in my room, locking my door and closing the curtains on the window. Even so, I changed with absolute secrecy, cowering behind my towel.

                A pang of embarrassment raced through me as I glanced into the underwear draw, remembering what happened to my green panties.

                I sat on my bed, waiting patiently for the mysterious man to return.

                His surprise appearances were beginning to get on my nerves. Aside from the fact that I took fear in knowing that a stranger knew where I slept, I found myself becoming quickly annoyed with how horribly his timing was.

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