The Accident

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The next morning, I searched all over for that particular panty. I tore drawers out of the dresser, searching through each one. I needed to see it, needed to feel it between my fingers, and confirm that this masked man entering my room was just a delusional dream of mine.

                The underwear was nowhere in sight.

                My heart started to pick up speed as I searched under my bed, in my closet, in the laundry baskets. Still, it was nowhere in sight.

                Running down in my PJ’s, I found my grandmother in the kitchen, sipping from her normal cup of coffee. She raised an eyebrow at my frantic appearance, opening her mouth to ask when I rudely cut her off.

                “Have you touched the laundry at all, Grandma?” I asked.

                Her eyebrows furrowed together, “No, I leave the laundry to you, Avery, like always. Why do you ask?”

                “I can’t find something…”

                “Well, it probably isn’t too important enough for you to miss school for it. Go get ready; I’ll look while you’re away.”

                I sighed, glancing down at the PJ’s. It would be an embarrassment to go to school wearing these. She was right. I needed to focus on getting through the day. Once I got back from work, I could focus on finding the panties.

                They had to be here somewhere.

                There was no way a masked man came into my room last night and stole a pair of green panties from me.

                It sounded like something from Hollywood.

                Of course it didn’t happen.

                “You’re right.” I sighed, “I’ll just look once I get back from work. It’s not that important, I just wanted to make sure I still had it.”

                “If not, I can give you some money to go out and buy a replacement.” She offered politely.

                My grandmother had raised me to be a hard working kid, yet she always offered money if I needed it. Almost always, I refused. She was too kind to be. Especially now that I had a job, I definitely didn’t need the money.

                “It’s fine. I already have enough money to buy it as it is.” I smiled gratefully, heading back upstairs to get ready for school.

                Once she was out of sight, my eyebrows furrowed together in concentration. There was absolutely no way that had really happened.

                I grabbed a set of clothes for school, quickly changing into them. As I changed bras for the day, a small paper fluttered down to the ground. My eyes widened with memory as I quickly snatched it up, opening it.

                This would confirm everything.

                I unfolded it slowly, biting my bottom lip.

                I could remember sticking a secretive note into my bra to keep it hidden from Superman that night.

                This could confirm his visitation.

                ‘You would look delicious in Red’


Superman Stole My PantiesWhere stories live. Discover now