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On Sunday I did my usual morning routine and went to eat breakfast.  My Sunday breakfast is one  and a half eggs . When I finished I went to study .i studies first chemistry then boilogy then physics and at last my math test.when I was done I opened my phone to check the was 5:00. I changed into my sports bra and black leggings and went downstairs.
"I'm going to the gym . I'll be back after 1 hour "I said as I grapped my keys and left.
At the gym I did squats and the bicycle and headed home.
"Hi honey "my dad said as walked through the door
"Hey dad. I'm going to sleep. Goodnight"I said running upstairs towards my room.
I grapped my PJs and went to brush my teeth. When I was done I washed my face and went to bed.
I woke up next morning at 6:00. I jumped out of bed and went to shower , when I was done I put on black pants with a white shirt written on it "stop"in black with a white converse. I but on my wig glasses and retainer and headed downstairs to eat breakfast .
"Good morning "I said to mom and dad
"Morning honey , breakfast will be ready in 5"my mom said
"Where are mimi and Dany?" I asked
"Mimi is sick and Dany had to work early because he doesn't have college. "Dad explained,
"Ok I'm going to see mimi , call me when breakfast is ready"I said and went to mimi's room.
I knocked on the door before entering
"Hi mimi how are you?"I asked sitting beside her bed
"I'm fine can you please give me the bottle of water that's in the floor?"she said.
I nodded and handed her the bottle
"Candice comedown breakfast is ready"my dad shouted
"Bye "I said to mimi and left the room.
I went down and ate my breakfast .
"Get in the car I'll take you to school"my mom said .
I nodded and went to the car. I got in car waited for my mom t  last my mom cane . She rod in the drivers seat and turned the engine on and started driving .
"Mom can you hurry. I don't want to be late"I said . She nodded and derived faster. When we arrived at school I said bye to my mom and entered the school. The bell had already rung so I went directly  to my class room . I had a math test on the first period so that's exactly what makes this situation better. I knocked on the classroom door and entered .
"Good morning . I'm so sorry that I am late"I said to mr .franck ,the math teacher .
"It's okay . Go and sit next to Rayan"I nodded and sat next to him.
Rayan was the schools bad boy. He was a player who got into every girls pants . Well every girl except Sandra and I.
I took out a paper and started to solve the test . When I was midway ,he pinched me .
"Ouch . What was that for?"I whispered /yelled
He chuckled "for fun"he said
"This is no time for fun .i have an exam to finish"I said and continued writing the test .
5min later he pinched me once more
"Rayan please stop. I have to finish this test in 15min"I said annoyed
"First I decide if you finish this stupid test and second you can't call me by my name because I didn't call you by your it sweetheart ?"he said
"Whatever"I said rolling my eyes
When I put the pen on the paper he took the pen and broke it
"That was my last pen"I shouted .
Mr Franck turned to me "is there something wrong miss sandy?"
"If you say something I'll make your life hell"rayan whispered
"N-no there's nothing wrong "I said
"Good now continue your test before time runs out 'he said and sat on his desk
At last the bell rang and I handed my half finished test.i looked at rayan and saw him smirking .I went to my next class which was English and then headed to my locker. I saw Sandra standing there so I smiled
"How did u do on your math test?"she asked
I sighed and said:"I finished half of it because of rayan "
We went to the cafeteria and ordered . I ordered a chicken salad while Sandra ordered a cheese burger with a soda.she is lucky she got May as an agent . May let's her eat whatever she wants if she doesn't gain weight . On the other hand I'm obliged to eat salads all the time . We went to sit at our table but we saw rayan and his group sitting on it. The group consists if 6 boys rayan Michele Christopher Danielle Edward and jake.
"Hi this is our table I thought you sat at that table"Sandra said pointing towards the facing table
"We know, we sat here so that we can know you better"rayan said
"I think you already know everything about us and we don't want to know anything about you"I snapped
Rayan chuckled "we know nothing about you except that you are nerds"he said
"And that's all you need to know"Sandra snapped
"It looks like the 2 nerds need to know how to talk"rayan said standing up and putting his hands on my waist .
"We already know how to talk "Sandra said"and we'll leave this table for you we'll go sit somewhere else"
"No we insist . Sit with us"rayan said and made me sit on the chair that was between him and Michele . Sandra sat between jake and Danielle .
"So how did you all do on your math test?"Christopher asked
"Good "they all replied together
"What about you sandy?"rayan asked smirking
"Thanks to you and your stupid things I didn't finish the next half of the test"I said .
The bell rang and I headed towards my classroom . When the last hour was finished I went to my locker to gather my stuff. Mr Franck was there which surprised me .
"Hi mr Franck can I help you with something?"I asked
"Actually yes I wan to know why you didn't study for your test?"
"I was busy . How much is my grade?"
"You got a C and I want an A on the next test . Have a good day , bye"he said and left
Have a good day!this is the worst day ever. I closed my locker door and went to my car.
"Why the sad face ?"rayan asked from behind me " did you fail your math test ?"
"Shut up . I got a C because of you I hope your happy"I said and jumped into my car and drive home
"Hi mom hi dad"I said as I walked through the door .
"Hi mr Franck called us and he wasn't happy"my mom said
"I know I know and im sorry .i promise I'll get an A on the next test and every single test "I said
"Good because your grounded you won't be doing any photo shoots till your next math test . If you got an A you'll continue being a model if you didn't you have to stop forever ."my dad said
"What?the next test is next week and I have a very important photo shoot this Sunday . Can't you ground me next week?"
"No we already said that you're grounded this week and if you'll continue arguing you will be grounded for a month "mom said
I frowned and went to my room. I swear you'll pay for this rayan !
So here's another chapter . I hope you like it .
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